SAHM's or other busy people - time management tips

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi! I know this has been brought up before on AN, but all of the posts I could find are a few years old. I want to hear from anyone with time management tips for studying while being home with or caring for children. I suppose a lot of the time management tips would apply to people who work out of home, too. I think the hardest part for me is that I take my kids to and from school daily and attend and drive all of their afterschool activities as well as am home with my youngest kids during the day.

Some study tips I learned this semester:

1. McDonalds is a great place to bring my kids and study. Yes, it's noisy, but it helped me learn how to study under pressure in my classroom-where there is noise. My 4 year old will play all day in the play structure and I can get in several hours of study time. Plus McDonald's has wifi and free refills on coffee.

2. You will adapt to getting by on less sleep than usual and going to be later than usual.

3. Leaving the house to study helps me focus. But, I can bring my older kids with me and have bonding time. We also learn study habits from eachother by doing this.

4. Starbucks is a good place to study.

5. It's a good idea to meet up with friends who aren't studying the same thing as you but who are willing to meet you at Starbucks.

6. Too much coffee will mess up your tummy! I mean over 3 cups per day!

7. Learning speed reading and memorization techniques is helpful.

8. Buy a planner to organize your assignments and use it!

9. It's good to send your kid to his grandma's house at least 1 day per week to study- at least at the begining of the term when you're adjusting.

Future nurses and current nurses, I need more help than this! What works for you? I am trying to get very good grades at my local community college.

I only took 2 classes this term (Gen Chem and English) and want to take 3 eventually. Plus I'll probably earn B's and I need to earn A's. Help me please!

This gives me hope! I have three kids, ages 7, almost 9 and almost 4. I work from home doing medical transcriptioning. I am currently in A&P I two nights a week. I am hoping to finish up my final pre-req classes this summer while having a local teenager come over and watch the kids. I tend to study is short segments. I carry my index cards everywhere and go through them whenever I can. I also try to study after the kids go to sleep because after school we have homework, swimming and soon will be starting soccer, so life gets pretty crazy. My kids are so supportive of me and my going back to school to be a nurse. I found that Supper Solutions has been a lifesaver for dinner time and also reduces the time I spend shopping at the store as well.

Good luck to everyone!:)

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