Question about Chemistry classes...?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Specializes in ICU, Med-Surg, Post-op, Same-Day Surgery.

Hi all. Ok, this is a really basic question that probably has an obvious answer, but I'll ask it anyway. This is just referring to chemistry courses in general, the differences between them, and what order they are usually taken in.

Is there a difference between general chemistry and inorganic chemistry?

I'm just a little confused. I know that 2 semester of organic chemisty are usually taken after two semesters of general chemistry. So, is inorganic chemistry an additional class? If it is, when is it generally taken? After general chemistry? Before/after inorganic chemistry?

If anyone can clear up my confusion I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!

At some schools, the names general and inorganic are used to refer to the same intro year courses, but there are some schools who offer a year of general chemistry, a year of organic, then an upper-level/advanced course in inorganic chemistry. To make a long story short, it depends on your school.

Thanks for the helpful information. I have more questions along these lines.

If a school says they require two semesters of chemistry as a prerequisite, does this basically mean 1 organic and 1 inorganic?

If a school only requires one semester of chem, is it alright to take biochem? I am really only interested in the medical side of chemistry, so if there's a choice I do not want to slug through the awful inorganic stuff!

I understand every school is a little different, but generally speaking, what chem classes are usually required for an accelerated BSN? Which is/are most useful in nursing practice???

Thank you for any insight!


Specializes in LTC/Skilled Care/Rehab.

Most of the BSN programs around here require 1 semester of Gen Chem (inorganic) and 1 semester of Organic/BioChem (Survey class). I would ask the school you are applying to because they all are different. Some schools want both BioChem and organic instead of the survey class.

Thanks for the helpful information. I have more questions along these lines.

If a school says they require two semesters of chemistry as a prerequisite, does this basically mean 1 organic and 1 inorganic?

If a school only requires one semester of chem, is it alright to take biochem? I am really only interested in the medical side of chemistry, so if there's a choice I do not want to slug through the awful inorganic stuff!

I understand every school is a little different, but generally speaking, what chem classes are usually required for an accelerated BSN? Which is/are most useful in nursing practice???

Thank you for any insight!


I understand that you want to focus on the biological side of chemistry.....but I've never seen an organic or biochemistry class that didn't require you to take General Chemistry first. You'd be lost without understanding basics like bond types.

Bite the bullet, and take Gen Chem; it's not that bad.....who knows, you might like it.



Specializes in med-surg.

The first accelerated program I was accepted into requires one semester of Inorganic and another of Organic. The second program requires General Chemistry 1 & 2.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Take General Chem first, then if required take Organic Chem next! It is really difficult to get through Organic Chem if you do not have a good understanding of General Chem. I just finished Organic this past winter after a 13yr. break from any Chemistry and it was very challenging to say the least. I am also starting an accelerated program soon and just need one more level of Chemistry to satisfy the pre-reqs. Let's just say I love Microbiology soooo much more! Good luck to you and of course be sure to check with your advisor at the school you are applying to!

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