Is my personality a good fit for nursing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm not what you'd call "motherly." I'm not one of those girls that goes all gooey around babies or talks to kids in cute voices. I also don't call people "honey" or things like that when talking to them. And I probably wouldn't do too well in a sorority. I'd say if nurses were in Hufflepuff, I'd be in Ravenclaw. If nursing was a pastel color, I'd be a bright electric blue. But I want to go into nursing. I've done the research, interviewed many nurses, and shadowed an NP. I want to go into nursing and am confident I have the brains and that my heart's in the right place, but from the research I've done I'm scared my personality type won't be a good fit. Thoughts? Thank you.

do you care about people? are you humble? are you patient? do you have a thick skin? these all important attributes for nursing. if you don't have a genuine zeal to take care of people i don't see you being a good nurse at all, might even end up hating your job, hope you make the right decision.


Seriously- you look around AN and your first thought is....Hufflepuff?

Nah, we come in all flavors, proclivities, tempers, and intellects. There are so many options open to someone with a nursing degree and good experience and a good brain, you can do pret' much whatever yo' li'l heart desires, honey.

Oy, did I say that? :cheeky:

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