Mental Health

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi! I am almost done with my pre reqs and I have a mental health question. I have dealt with PTSD for some time now. I considered myself well controlled, but lately I found that my techniques for coping have fallen short. This is not something I'm proud of, and I hate asking for help. What I'm most worried about is that if I do seek treatment, it will wreck my chances of becoming a nurse. I've worked too hard to give up now. So my question is, can I use anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications and still become a nurse? I am completely dedicated to this and I am not willing to quit. So far the suck it up method has worked for me, but I think I need a little helper to get me through.

Please don't give up on your dream. I have worked in psych with numerous people that were on those type of medications. It is doable as long as you don't let it affect your work. I hope this helps🙂

Tons of nurses are on antidepressant or antianxiety medications.

Specializes in Psych.

Don't give up it will only push you further into depression. Plenty of people work in healthcare even with mental health problems. I have anxiety and I find helping others actually distracts me from it. Get help and keep pushing forward!

I can see no reason for them to put a stigma on you. It be better to seek help now so come tine for nursing it reaches a point you lose control.

Being on medications and/or going to therapy will not affect your chances of becoming a nurse. If anything, it would probably help you to be more successful. It's important to take care of yourself.

As someone who has been on antidepressants and gone to therapy for several years, and just got accepted to nursing school, I can attest that you can indeed continue pursuing your dream of nursing despite any mental health treatment you seek and receive. In fact, I think one reason I am able to start nursing school is because of the assistance that my therapist and medications have given me. While I'm not in your situation, you seem like you truly want to keep going. Don't be afraid - you can do it! And if people try and put a stigma on you (unlikely so far in my case), well screw them. Keep going. :) If you'd like to message me and just chat, feel free! I totes get where you're coming from, and I know it isn't fun.

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