back to school depression-not motivated

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Has this feeling came about any of you or just me. I have had these three weeks off of school and yes I have enjoyed them. I mean to think of all the time I have with family and friends, weekends not spent studying doing homework and the cleanilness of my house being able to come home and do the things I use to do. I must say the kids and I not being in school this break has been very stress free. I took A&P last semester and that class took so much of my time. I am taking that Winter semester part 2 and Pharmocology and American Government will be away again 3 nights a week. Usually I get a little excited:clown: to start a new semester but for some reason I know what i am in for with A&P:chair: and how much time I will be consumed with it. It will be back to hectic house, piled up laundry and just no time to myself. I am very motivated I just hope I can swing back into things and that my attitude changes. Wll I guess I just needed to vent a little bit. Hope everyone enjoyed their break off of school. Good luck with upcoming semester. Hope to be in Nursing:nurse: School Fall of 06 where then I can work part time and hopefully wont be such a strain on family life, although I am not too sure about that one either.

Im just depressed about it because I feel like Ive already been rejected....This is my first time applying and Im just so stressed out about it, I know- worrying is a waste of time......I wish I knew how to stop. Im so doom and gloom, I just hate uncertainty.

I have to say nursing and med school- probably the 2 most rigorous majors out there, with the amount of stress and devotion it takes to get in. I have friends who majored in other stuff like teaching or psychology and it is just NOT the same. You dont have to get A's and there's no "getting in" you just get to go-sign up.

God help me be strong!

Im just depressed about it because I feel like Ive already been rejected....This is my first time applying and Im just so stressed out about it, I know- worrying is a waste of time......I wish I knew how to stop. Im so doom and gloom, I just hate uncertainty.

I have to say nursing and med school- probably the 2 most rigorous majors out there, with the amount of stress and devotion it takes to get in. I have friends who majored in other stuff like teaching or psychology and it is just NOT the same. You dont have to get A's and there's no "getting in" you just get to go-sign up.

God help me be strong!

I feel very much the same as you :sniff:

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