Any other students who are mothers?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm a nursing-school-hopeful. Already finished my two-year degree, and I'm working on nursing pre-reqs right now. If all goes as planned, I will start nursing school Fall 2014 (though because I still have some pre-reqs I would be ok with starting Spring 2015).

My biggest concern and challenge while in school is that I'm also a mother! It is no small task, for sure. I also work in a clinic part-time - so balancing all these roles it so hard. I couldn't do it without the help of my husband.

It'd be nice to build a nice support system of other moms in school.

I'm a single mom too; I have 2 kids, 9 and 7. My 7 yo is a sick little one too who has many special needs. I also work full time. It is very doable :) Good luck!

I have two little boys as well, and their dad lives about 800 miles away, so it's just us. I just found out I got into the nursing program, so I am a little nervous about the work load. I have a previous degree that I earned while being a mother, but it sounds as if nursing will be much more intense. Luckily I have help from my family.

I have two little boys as well, and their dad lives about 800 miles away, so it's just us. I just found out I got into the nursing program, so I am a little nervous about the work load. I have a previous degree that I earned while being a mother, but it sounds as if nursing will be much more intense. Luckily I have help from my family.

congrats, your hard work paid off! :yes:

I am the mother of five children ranging from 11 to 19. I am just finishing my last year of my 3 year degree and have just found out I have a graduate position in a well known Melbourne hospital. I can tell you it has been really really hard. Studying with children in your care is really difficult. But it's worth it. There is nothing like that feeling of achievement when you make it to the end. I think my study has influenced my kids choices as far as study and a good work ethic is concerned. They seem to be learning by example which is great! I try to spend time with them after school and try to keep to a fairly good routine of dinner at the table and make sure I have time to talk when they need it. That means staying up later to do my study but it seems to be working. They seem to know that I am there for them and if I focus on them straight after school they get their fill and then wander off instead of bothering me all the time. I let them know when there are times that they can't disturb me if I have an online test or a big assignment. I find that if I set times I need to be studying for an hour but then I will be able to answer questions/help with homework/have a snack and a chat then they are pretty good. Kids like routine and guidelines. Good luck and don't lose heart. You can do it!

a applaud you! its hard with children. but its doable. we are here to set the example. i am only the second one out of my family to go to a university.

I am. It is one heck of a balancing act, I can tell you that much.

I'm so glad to read all of your stories. It gets me excited for nursing school on days like today when I feel a bit afraid of being a parent and a nursing school student (hoping to start NS next year). Wishing everyone lots of success!

This is exactly how I feel most days too! Especially since I work full time as well.

I have two kids also and starting Nursing school in Spring 2014. No family around to help out but my husband is very supportive knowing this journey is for the benefit of our whole family in the long term. Fortunately, he works for a boss who is also very supportive and willing to be flexible in the event kids are sick so that I won't have to miss school. We know it's going to be a tough couple of years, but we're constantly reminding ourselves that it's only temporary and we all know how fast time flies! Can't believe the two years I spent taking prerequisites part time is already gone!

I'm a mother of two and hoping to start school next semester and apply in February for the fall nursing program. Looking for a support system from other mothers. Good luck ladies.

I have a 21 month old son and will be beginning an ABSN program in January 2014. I started pre reqs full time while working full time before I was pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant, I debated on whether I would take a break or return. I decided to return full time and cut back to part time work hours. I took the semester off that my son was born and returned to school when he was 7 months. It was really tough, but I made it through with good grades (although I got my first B in a prereq class) and I'm glad I stuck it out. I'll be done by December 2014 so it's going to be really tough doing a 3 year program in 1 year, but we've tried to build our support system and have mentally prepared ourselves for the challenging year ahead. I'm attending a private Lutheran university and have begun taking 2 theology courses along with a medical terminology course this semester before our core nursing classes begin so I study and do homework after the baby goes to sleep which leads to a lot of really late nights and groggy mornings, but I manage to get through. GL!

I have 8 children and will start Traditional BSN this Spring. They are 3-15 years old. I try to keep a routine at night. My free time is always studying so I try to make sure and have dinner every day. I have maintained a 4.0 since starting school again, it's hard work, but I am grateful that I don't have to work. It can be done.

Yep! I'm a mom of two as well.

Mhm! I have a 3 week old little girl. She'll be 3 months old when I start the BSN program in January. I'm definitely sad about leaving her at home (my husband is taking off work while I'm in class), and since I'm breastfeeding, I'm going to have to find a place to pump, maybe even during a clinical, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. I'm still anxious about how things will end up, though.

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