accepted to nursing school after deciding to finalize divorce

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I dont want to make it a sob story. This has been an ongoing thing. Getting married, years later separate. Get back together. Filed for divorce. Got back together with marriage counseling and now a week ago, husband out of no where cries out finalizing after a grouchy fit of what i was assuming needing a cigarette. He was trying to quit smoking. Theres other issues i wont get into. I think we both have disengaged ourselves from each other. Most of me knows its best to separate. I want nothing materialistic from the marriage, just my babies. But being accepted into nursing school, after putting it off for 5 years to be mom and wife, doesnt seem as...happy? Im excited! And i love my kids for being so patient with me when i may need to focus on school and this will be a great start to a horrible ending, but i cant help but to feel like im the only one going through this. And after valentines day, im pretty convinced i am haha. I know im not but i feel alone. I felt it would be better to vent here than facebook, and i dont have friends physically to call, somehow getting married weaved out all my friends. Thank you though for reading if you did :) i just had to get it out somehow.

I am happy for you. My mother went to nursing school right after she and my dad divorced, and I am so proud of her. You'll do great! :yes:

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