UIC Graduate Entry Program

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi folks,

Thinking about applying to UIC's GEP program. Anybody here applied and was accepted? What were your stats?

My stats: 3.2 Overall GPA/3.5 Sci BA in Sociology. Office Manager in home health care, tech in a medical equipment co, medical assistant (no cert) in dr's office and later office manager there. Volunteering in Nursing Home around 120 hours...

From what I can tell on their website, after completing the NCLEX, you immediately start the master portion of the program. Is this correct?

My parents were at the game! Incredible.

Happy birthday Sittenfeld

Yea huge blackhawks fan here, played hockey all my life! I actually work at the United Center (my night job). I don't get to watch the full game bc I'm serving but it's a great atmosphere either way! Game last night was crazy and it's definitely keeping my mind off these acceptances

I've had two very vivid dreams in the past two days of me saving children with my nursing skills. Hope that means good things are coming in the next few days :)

I've had two very vivid dreams in the past two days of me saving children with my nursing skills. Hope that means good things are coming in the next few days :)

Lol! That is a good omen :)

Here I am .... Sitting and laughing at something so stupid I did last night... In regards to my admission... Oh boy... I will disclose it when I get in. I am too embarrassed to say it right now.

Come on, rain! The suspense is killing me!! :p I guess I can only hope that we hear back in the next few days so that you'll tell us...

Hahah Sara I am in no position to tell the world of my stupidity... Just not yet. I promise I will. :) keep your eyes peeled!

Geez another nursing related dream...this time I was dealing with a child having a seizure. Hope today is the day!

Guess it won't be today... :unsure:

Omg... I just called and the person said they just had a meeting and the decisions will be sent out later today. He asked me my name and I was soooo nervous and he said, ms. Insert my name from SF? I remember you. And I was like ahhhh do you have the decision with you?? And he's like no I don't its in a portfolio but it says check mark to your name, I just wanted to make sure a decision has been made that's why I asked. And I'm like ahhhh!!! He wished me good luck

So just a few more hour guys!!!!!

Eeeeeek good luck guys!

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