Columbia ETP Program 2012 entry

Nursing Students Post Graduate



I plan on applying for the anesthesia program at Columbia and I wanted to know how the background of those that have been accepted look like to see if I'm even competitive enough apply.


I will start a thread - I am applying for 2013, also!

Hello to all,

I am applying for Spring 2013. I was interested in getting some feedback regarding competitiveness.

A quick sketch of my application profile is the following: straight A's in pre-req's, 3.4 undergrad GPA, Critical Care EMT (also ER TECH) a wealth of international experience including work and travel, trilingual (I am interested in exploring the role of Nurse Practitioners in Epidemiology and Public Health Practice with a concentration in Adult Health), strong recomendations and that is approximately where I stand as of right now. Due to take the GRE's at the end of August.

Thanks so much guys!

Best of luck to all


Hi jsholle,

I just started this summer and our ETP class just wrapped up our first semester of the year. "Boot Camp" was crazy to say the least but we survived :) I think my best advice to you is to really focus on your personal statement. From what we were told during orientation, the faculty and admissions team read your personal statement first above anything else. As this is your first impression, having an articulated statement will make you rise above other candidates. I think you have extremely competitive stats. As long as you can convey how your background has prepared you to successfully change careers to nursing, you have a fair shot. I had extremely low stats compared to my peers (or so it seems) and I still was able to make the cut. I have no doubt my statement and recommendations helped to make me a unique candidate.

For those who are interested in stats:

Undergrad GPA: 3.0

Pre-reqs: 4.0

Volunteer Hours: ~800 hours? Over the course of 3 years. Completed in several units and community clinics.

GRE: V 420 M 660 (not sure how this would translate to the new GRE format)

Language: English speaking only

Know that students in this program come from all kinds of backgrounds. From Suma Cum Laude in Physiology to individuals who have worked in Finance for years to EMT's to students who have had their own business as a Doula and even students who were working at a desk job in a company that did not have anything to do with what their heart was set on. What we all seem to have in common is the drive and motivation to excel in our new found passion - Nursing.

Best of luck to you as you begin to think about the application process. I know it was grueling last year while I was going through it. Let me know if you have any questions.


I was just accepted into the 2013 program. I just wanted to get a sense of what your daily schedule is like. Do you have class everyday? Is there a time for vacation? Also how is housing treating you? Thank you in advance for your help.

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