CCAC Nursing Spring 2014 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hi. I Was wondering if there was anyone else out there who applied to the CCAC nursing program for spring 2014 start? I received my acceptance letter to Boyce Campus Daylight today. Are there any future class mates? Does anyone have anything to say about the program? Any suggestions?

Ok, so the mail came today but nothing I will keep you posted.:(

I got my packet today! let me know if you got yours, if not Im sure you will soon!

I know!!!! Yay! I'm at work anxiously waiting to get home!!! My friend texted me today and told me they came!!!! Super excited and nervous lol.

But all that work getting background checks out of the way doesn't count because their dated before the 15th of October!

Yea I waited to get mine done because you have to get them done through the certified profile they wouldn't have been good any way. I just sent for my clearances yesterday and I need to know where to go to get my finger prints done!! My titers were pulled, physical done and tb, my CPR from my job is medical provider through UPMC so I don't have to do that. It's just my background and fingerprints so far.

I had to have them done for my job anyways, but it would have been nice to be able to use for school.

We are supposed to be getting another letter in the mail for registration soon!!

I received the registration letter today

Looking forward to meeting you!

How's everything going? I'm done with everything. All I have to do now is upload everything to the profile. I'm waiting for my clearances and finger prints to get back I did my finger prints today and I had to 5$ extra just for them to give me proof they were done for just in case purposes. I can finally relax a little before registration! Hope everything is going well!!

Current CCAC student. Guys, don't hold your breath for info - you won't get it. Don't even bother calling and asking. They will get annoyed with you and tell you to wait for orientation sessions. As far as Certified Profile goes, call CP with issues, don't ask the school, they don't know ANYTHING. You really won't find out anything useful till orientation - get used to being in the dark, taking deep breaths and going with the flow. Don't expect to know clinical times or locations or your class schedule until a week or so before class starts. They don't care if you have a job or a family...It's such a competitive program they know they can afford to jerk you around. It won't get much better once classes start. Just be willing to be flexible, be prepared for anything, stay extremely organized and try to stay positive. It's frustrating, disorganized and unprofessional, but you will get out of it what you put in. Good luck, you'll need it!! :-)

Thanks for the response! I'm completely done with everything on certified profile I'm just waiting to take my drug test! I picked my scrubs up from the uniform store the other day. Surprisingly they came in 4 days. I have my stethoscope, pin light, watch, and scissors just waiting to get my shoes! We actually got our schedules last week! Clinical does say tba. I'm very excited and prepared for the stresses of nursing school and am far ready! I'm always up for a challenge and willing to fight because I know it will be all worth it in the end! I am going to embrace this opportunity and stay positive because not too many are as fortunate! Thanks for the feed back. Can you let me know what exactly we will be doing at orientation?!

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