Paleo/Primal Diet?

Nurses Education


Does anyone have any experience with the Paleo diet? Like what you'd see on Mark's Daily Apple or PaNu - PāNu Blog . Did anyone have a positive (or negative) experience with it? Do you see any major flaws? Is this something you would feel comfortable telling a patient about since it is so far removed from the standard American diet?

I am looking for scientific information, and/or direct personal experience. I am not interested in vague "common sense" type recommendations or appeals to authority, government or otherwise.

Thanks ahead of time for any responses!

My husband has lost 50 lbs. this past year doing the Primal Blueprint diet. I don't follow it as closely but I do when I'm eating at home, and I've lost 20. There's definitely something to it - we've both struggled for years to lose weight.

I watched my father eat the diet as prescribed by the AHA, and he died at forty-five of a heart attack. I was on the same path. I was eating as the AHA recommends, and my labs were always horrible. Despite exercising vigorously at least an hour per day, and taking enough statins to treat a horse, my LDL and triglycerides were always through the roof. My HDL was always woefully low. I carried a good amount of visceral fat, despite my avoidance of fats and my lengthy exercise sessions. I had GERD daily, was placed on medication for HTN, and required pills to help me sleep.

After switching to a paleo/primal diet my life changed dramatically and rapidly. I was off of BP medications in two weeks. Within a month I no longer required treatment for GERD. I stopped taking sleeping pills within several weeks. My labs have never been so good (i.e. my triglycerides went from as high as 1300 down to 45). I feel stronger and better than I did twenty years ago!

So, yes, I absolutely educate my patients on the benefits of the pale/primal lifestyle. I point them in the direction of Robb Wolf (Paleo Diet Solution), Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint), Gary Taubes (Why We Get Fat, and What to Do About It) and Dr. Davis (Wheat Belly).

I have had patients come back to me months later and tell me that information (put into practice) changed there lives as well!

I agree that I would not feel comfortable recommending this to patients. If this is for yourself I would look at the other side of things via plant-based diet. Lots of research.

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