Eastern Suffolk Boces LPN Program 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey guys is anyone applying or has anyone heard back from this program yet?!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Thread moved to Schools/Colleges forum for best response.

Hey where can I find that thread?! Like how do i get there

I took the test 4/18 and got a letter in the mail 4/24 saying I passed and have an interview during the first week of may. I'm kind of nervous cause I can't find any info on what the interview is like. Anyone know?

Hey where can I find that thread?! Like how do i get there

I found it by scrolling down from the home page to the site map, then on that page there is a section that says nursing students and its in that category

I plan on taking the exam the first week in May sometime! How was the exam? I found from looking at other topics that the interview is simple and to the point, basic questions.

I plan on taking the exam the first week in May sometime! How was the exam? I found from looking at other topics that the interview is simple and to the point, basic questions.

The exam is reading and math. You get a little less than an hour for both with around 45 questions for reading and about 35 for math. It's also computer based but they give you a calculator and scrap paper. First is the reading, several questions were on passages and some were reading directions and answering questions about it. Be familiar with topic, theme and tone of passages. A lot of the questions for reading it would ask what was the authors "purpose" for writing this passage? With answers like persuasive, informative etc. For the math, there was a few questions solving for x, a bunch of questions for converting, adding, subtracting decimals and fractions so be familiar with that. Math also questions basic percentages (sales tax, price increase) and a few metric questions (how many feet in a yard, how many yards in a meter type of questions) overall I was expecting the test to be way harder but it wasn't horrible. The instructor told us it would take about 2/3 for the results but I got mine back before even a week. Just be there half an hour early bc the parking lot is always full and you have to check in at the front and again when you go up stairs. Good luck!

Omg that was so helpful! Thank you! Do you want to do the full time or part time program?

Part time is the most logical for me bc I work full time. although if I get in I would be happy with whatever they give me. I heard full time is harder to get into but If you have a high enough score you have a better chance. Were you thinking part time or full time?

I don't even know. Originally when I first heard about the program I wanted to do full time mainly because you finished quicker and for me that was kind of what I was looking for because I would like to move forward to become an RN. Though, I know three people that have went through this program, two of them which finished the other one ended up getting dismissed because of grades just below the minimum of the 75 and they said the full time was A LOT. I mean it makes sense everything is crammed into an 11 month period ya know. I don't know I feel if I did the part time I may do better then trying to do the full time and risk not being able to handle it. I am soooo ready for either one though lol I just wanna start already.

Hey guys! I just graduated from the program. It still feels surreal.

Keep in mind that if you do part time, you will be doing part time from September 2017 to June 2018 (Level 1) 6PM-9:30PM. From September 2018 to April 2019 (Level 2) you will be doing full time and have class from 8AM-2:30PM. So if you have kids or other commitments (most if not all of my classmates stepped down to part time/per diem positions at their jobs), be sure everything is set before September when you're going into Level 2.

Also, from what I remember, the interview was not anything to worry about. The instructor who interviewed me ended up being my instructor for fundamentals. She asked me why I wanted to be a nurse, and why I applied to this specific program. They also want to make sure that you have stable transportation as clinical sites range. The farthest site they had for my class was in Westhampton. Also, keep in mind that sometimes you'll have clinicals on test days. This only happens in Level 2 (from Medicine & Surgery onward). So you'll first drive to the clinical site for most of the morning and panic while doing AM care, then you'll have to drive back to Brentwood.

I initially wanted to do the FTD (Full Time Day) 11 month program, but I had some money issues. So I settled with PTE (Part Time Evening). I liked the slower pace with the evening program as I was able to work weekend nights and sometimes during the day without a problem. But everyone's different.

Best of luck!

Congratulations on graduating that's awesome! I think I'm leaning more towards the PTE program just because of the pace. I think I could handle the FT one, but I want a better chance of actually doing better lol. With that being said I really hope and intend to do the evening program. How would you say the program was?! The instructors are they good? Do you feel like you got real knowledge and really have a good understanding of it all? I'm sorry for all of the questions, I'm excited but so nervous!

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