Cal Baptist ELMSN Summer 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone!

If you're as antsy as I am, this is the thread for you. The submission deadline is this Monday at 8:59PM, so I wanted to open up the thread for this year's applicants. If my research is correct, we should be hearing back in mid-late January about interviews, which feels like an eternity at this point. In the meantime, I'm hoping that this thread can serve to be a great place to ask questions and let go of some of the anxiety that comes with waiting to hear back. I look forward to meeting and hearing from some of my fellow applicants. If you get into any other schools, I would personally love to hear about that too! God Bless everyone and may we all get the good news that we are hoping and praying for. :)

Hi zKitty Congrats on the interview :D i wonder how long they're interviewing candidates to like what date. They told me they will make a final decision by february 12th. Btw, is anyone currently taking classes until end of may? did they told you anything about how CBU classes started may 7th and if you get accepted it would be a problem?

Thanks! No, I haven't heard anytging about the start dates. I don't know why I thought the may start in June or July. I wish we knew what to expect as far as questions in the interview? It's nerve racking not to know. This is my second time applying and first time making it to the interview process. They had me retake two of my classes and I finished my CNA license.

Hi Slim! May I ask why you are taking classes? Is it just to get a better grade or is it a missing prerequisite? Also, @zkitty, I would prepare for the typical questions like positive and negative qualities, why CBU, and especially why you want to be a nurse, but try not to worry too much. I know it is completely cliche, but it is the most important to just be yourself since interviews are mostly to see what kind of person you are versus how well you answer the questions. They already decided that you are qualified enough for an interview, so you already have everything they want. :)


Thank you for the encouragement! Will definitely try not to panic about the interview. This is all just a true blessing to even get the interview.

Amen to that, Zkitty!

@nataishia, im just taking classes just to improve my GPA further. I finished all the pre-requisite already though. There is about 2 classes im taking that will also help in terms of nursing course since its related to it. I just didnt want to have an empty semester where i dont do anything (even though i am already working part-time too) lol.

@Slim I think since you did all of your pre-reqs, it is perfectly fine. They had to base your invitation to interview on your current GPA, so it must be good enough already. I think that the only issue is that you might have to leave the classes unfinished.

Hello! I love whoever thought of this! I received an email for the interview this Friday Jan 26 2018! I am so nervous and I am excited that all of you got interviews as well! I also herd it was a three part interview. I'm extremely blessed and am hoping for the best for everyone! good luck!

Welcome Audri24!! Is your interview time at 2pm? If so, then you are with Alma, Slim, and me. If that is the case, I truly look forward to meeting you in person, especially since there is a good chance that we will be classmates.

Thank you Nastaishia! My interview is at 2 pm as well! I look forward to meeting you all!

Hi everyone! My interview is also this friday Jan 26 at 2pm, I'm excited to meet you all!

Does anyone know what are the three parts of the interview aside from the question and answers part?

So exciting but nerveraking as well, wish you all the best good luck! I'm so happy we have made it this far

Hello Dania and audri congratulations, thats great, that means we already know about half of the people that will be there tomorrow :D

I am excited to meet you all and i hope that we all will get into the program. See you guys tomorrow :)

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