OSU OKC Spring 2014

U.S.A. Oklahoma


I wanted to start this thread for all of the OSU OKC Spring 2014 applicants. I turned in my application yesterday and I can not wait for letters to go out! I am new to allnurses (but not to OSU OKC) and was hoping to share some of my excitement and anticipation with some other OSU OKC Spring 2014 hopefuls!

Also found out that if you have the ebook app that came with the books then you can share notes through the app. I think that would be really helpful to be able to get others perspectives. I plan to use my iPad for my books as exclusively as possible. It really think has a lot of great perks to it I just have get the hang of it. I ended up getting some white Nikes. They have silver on the shox part but I was told they would allow it if the swoosh or shox were not all white. I was really more concerned with choosing a shoe I knew would be comfortable rather than completely all white. I ended up getting the box from the book store and got the moseys dictionary in Kindle form. I have not purchased the Lab Diagnostic book yet. I was told by a third semester student and a second semester student they have not used it or maybe used it once as reference. I plan to wait and will get the kindle version if I need it. Cant wait to get the semester started tomorrow!

Is orientation at 9am? For some reason I thought it was at 8am, but the syllabus says 9. Just want to make sure I am on time :) can't wait to meet everyone!

I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow and I plan on using my iPad for notes too.

I thought it was at 8 also and then realized it was at 9am when I was reading over the papers again. I think because lecture is at 8am maybe lol idk.

Well, glad I am not the only one! The schedules are different all the time, so I am really going to have to try and keep them straight! So 9am for sure?

Yep that's what all my info says

Good morning! 9 for sure.

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