Second year nursing students

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Yesterday while working charge in the Nursery we had our usual nursing student chaos in here but this new lot was unusually pompous and arogant!! It used to be that students asked for help or showed interest in learning new stuff but this class is something else--one girl walked by a crib, looked in and told me "this baby has spit all over from formula--would you mind cleaning him up?" and left the nursery! I was so flabergasted I didn't know what to say--Someone later said she must have mistook me for the NA but still, you don't treat a NA this way, either!! and her classmate kept bugging me about a lab test I had ordered, "when is the lab coming, why haven't they been here yet, have they been here yet, etc etc. I finally told her that even in the best run hospitals lab can't always come to draw right then and there. She just rolled her eyes and walked out--everytime she and her classmates came to the nursery they would have to ring the bell because of no access cards--so imagine my day yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I am only 2 1/2 years out of school and am a BIG advocate of students--but, really!! What are they teaching these people about staff interactions anyway?

Have you told the students how you feel? Honestly, unless you explain to them that their behaviour is inappropriate, nothing will change. I've even seen a second year nursing student question a surgeon who decided he had to remove a woman's ovary along with her uterus. The student thought she was being a patient advocate, the doctor thought she should keep her mouth shut.

Wow! I would tell their instructor. Maybe it's just an isolated few that are full of themselves.

I had a nursing student with me in L&D one day and she was great. Another student came to watch our pushing and delivery and parked herself in the rocking chair the whole time. I asked her to go ask one of the nurses to give her some pitocin for after delivery and she looked at me and said "you already have some in that IV bag", and just kept on rocking. I told her that it was almost gone and I needed some more and to please go get some for me. She huffed out of the room - but I told her instructor about it later and she told me that she had had several other complaints about her over several weeks. I also praised the one who took her own iniative and asked the doctor questions during delivery and was respectful and polite. Some students and too full of themselves and needs to be knocked down a notch or two.

I had a nursing student with me in L&D one day and she was great. Another student came to watch our pushing and delivery and parked herself in the rocking chair the whole time. I asked her to go ask one of the nurses to give her some pitocin for after delivery and she looked at me and said "you already have some in that IV bag", and just kept on rocking. I told her that it was almost gone and I needed some more and to please go get some for me. She huffed out of the room - but I told her instructor about it later and she told me that she had had several other complaints about her over several weeks. I also praised the one who took her own iniative and asked the doctor questions during delivery and was respectful and polite. Some students are too full of themselves and need to be knocked down a notch or two.


Someone must be training them for the actual workforce dramas or it could be that they want to follow the textbooks to a tee with the patient advocate stuff.

They better get it together....nurses eat their young. I was eaten alive. LOL.

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