11 Things That Helped Me Study

Top 11 things to help you pass your tests. Nurses Announcements Archive Article


11 Things That Helped Me Study

1. Help from a tutor

If you have the opportunity to have help from a tutor, take it!

2. Quizlet

It's amazing. I learn best by testing myself and Quizlet lets me do that. I highly suggest making your own flashcards, because then you'll learn the material better. But there are plenty of great sets on the website.

3. Khan Academy

This site is great for a multitude of things. They have practice on several topics and a ton of videos on so many topics.

4. Crash Course

This is a Youtube channel hosted by Hank Green. This channel helped me study for Anatomy and Physiology 101 and the TEAS VI. He goes a little fast but if you take notes of what he just said after pausing the video it's really helpful. Because he explains things in a simple manner and is funny about it too.

5. Time Management

This should probably be number one. You need to be able to study enough but not so much that you tire yourself out and stop retaining information. Studying for an hour then taking a 10-minute break is great when you need to study for a long period of time. You can't always be staring at the computer screen, or constantly writing either. Your mind and body need a break. However,

This doesn't mean go and binge watch Stranger Things (or whatever show you're into right now. Who can't wait for season 2? :p). Just keep your time well managed.


This goes along with #5, but I'm bad about this, so it helps if I break things into smaller chunks that I can complete each day. Then by the time the due date comes I'm done! Get those little chunks done in one sitting or throughout your day. Just get it done before you go to bed.

7. Get enough sleep

I know this is difficult with work, school, and possibly kids. But sleep is essential for your well-being. Obviously, don't sleep in till noon, but don't go to sleep at 1 or later in the morning every night. Try to make it before midnight. (Unless your job prohibits you from doing that.) Really just try to have a set bedtime. Mine happens to be around 11/11:30 and I tend to wake up around 7/7:30 depending on the day.

8. Keep your things organized and stay up-to-date on your due dates

Google calendar is great if you are annoyed by writing everything out.

9. When studying for multiple classes rotate which ones you're studying for

Don't neglect the one you don't like and don't neglect the one like because you're focused on something else. If you like none of them, just do your best to learn the material and get everything done in a timely fashion so you can think about it as little as possible.

10. Write keywords on your hand

If you have to memorize a bunch of stuff try writing keywords on your hand and practice them while going about your day. Doing this a memorized the last chapter and a half of the Matthew (from the bible) for a speech in about two weeks while memorizing things for anatomy and physiology 101.

11. Remember what you're doing this for

Remember that you're awesome and can do anything you set your mind to. (Although also remember that you may not be cut out for things. Like I could probably write a story if I set my mind to it. But it probably wouldn't be great, I'd hate the whole process, and would probably want to burn it afterward. But I still did it.)

Best of luck to y'all!

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These are some great tips! I am currently doing exactly what I was warned against doing by taking Microbiology and A&P II at the same time. These tips are great reminders for what I should be doing if I want to be successful. Thank you for this!!!

I'm doing the exact same thing! I wanted to get all the non- NRSGxxx classes out of the way. I made flash cards on quilt if you wanna use them haha. I'm under the same username there as I am here. Glad I was able to help! :)