Nursing cover letter HELP!

Nurses Job Hunt


I need help with my cover letter. When I am applying for jobs I am suppose to address the human resources manager? or the director of nursing? I can't seem to find any names for who do I specifically address my cover letter to....

any pointers?

thanks in advance for any help....

I would address cover letters to the director of human resources, the nurse manager of the unit you are applying for, or yes, to the director of nursing in some cases. It helps to call the facility and ask for the "name of the nurse manager for floor 4F". I am upfront and state I want to be sure I address my cover letter to the right person. I have also used a more generic "Nurse Manager, 4F Surgical/XYZ Hospital/etc." And then begin the letter "Dear Sir or Madam". Always make it addressed specifically to a person, never to whom it may concern.

I tend to lean towards using the person who will ultimately make the hiring decision, but I'm not convinced that it matters that much. If one is applying for multiple jobs at one facility and only has an opportunity to submit one cover letter, then it may make more sense to address it to the HR director.

thanks for your advice. I will call the floor to find out who the hiring manager is or nursing supervisor.

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