Passed LS3!!!!!

Nursing Students Online Learning


passed ls3 earlier with an "A". Thank God!!! Beats the "D" I collected last month from that test.

I am so psched!

Now, just clep sociology and I am off to the FCCA land.

thanks to everyone for your support.......


Hi Beachnurse, it's been a while since I posted. Have you taken LS3 yet? I accidently scheduled it to follow only 2 weeks after Ls2. I tried to reschedule but they didn't have anything on a Friday for another 4 weeks and i didn't want to wait that long. Do you think it is doable to pass it with only 2 week prep?

Specializes in ED.

Depends on how much study time you have. It's been done. However others have failed with months of study. Others who usually pass with minimal study. So do if you feel comfortable go for it, if not reschedule.

I think I may reschedule and have to wait 8 weeks rather than fail but I will keep you posted. Thank you for your reply.

Specializes in Home Health, Podiatry, Neurology, Case Mgmt.

congrats, i too got a D, retaking it the end of this month, but still worried about it! =(

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