Non-Nclex passer job

Nurses Job Hunt


Hello guys! I have yet to take my 2nd NCLEX exam this fall, but I badly need a job right now to support my expenses. What hospital jobs dont require license as an RN? please help, I need advise, failing was hard but not having enough money to pay for retake is harder.. -.-

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Patient transporter

Dietary aide

Nursing assistant (though some facilities require a CNA permit/certification )

Unit secretary

Security staff

Administrative Assistant

Patient sitter

Telemetry monitor tech

You also have the option of taking a non-medical job such as retail or at UPS. a friend who didn't pass NCLEX took a temp job at ups because the pay was significantly higher than any unlicensed medical job to save money. Another friend took a job in their favorite retail store for the discount and low stress work environment.

Most of the hospitals in my area will hire nursing students as nurse's aids so long as they have completed one or two semesters of nursing school. However SARs and LTCs will only hire those with the CNA certification; I think this is due to different licensing requirements (hospitals are accredited by TJC, but SAR/LTCs are accredited by the state Dept of Health). So if you're only looking for hospital work, you should be good! Patient escort/transport is another option. Depending on where you want to work, to become a tele tech you might need to be ACLS certified, which is another expense but would increase your job options once you pass the NCLEX. I'm not sure what your educational background is, but with a BS you can work as a mental health tech. If you're willing to look at non-hospital facilities, nursing homes need activities aides.

Good luck on the NCLEX!

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