Job offer, background check/drug screen done..then "crickets"

Nurses Job Hunt


Was offered a job a month ago...pending background/drug screen..completed both of them same day as job was offered. I have absolutely no concerns about either of them. Was told it would take about 7-10 days for everything to come back and then I could start orientation.

It's been 21 days now..I have heard nothing from the person who hired me nor the other two people involved in the process of me coming on board. I left messages for all 3 earlier this week - nicely asking what the deal is. No return call.

I know 110% nothing negative is on my background check or drug screen so I am at a loss as to why I am not hearing anything/not getting call backs.

I thought about going to the facility in person Monday or should I just try to call again? I don't want to be pushy but at the same time I need to get working and don't want to keep waiting around if something has changed............

I reached out to the person who gave me the paperwork for the background and drug test...she didn't respond but one of the people I interviewed with did and said they were just waiting for the background - they did not realize the original request did not go through until I called and asked for an update!! Less than 3 days later he contacted me and set up orientation for the first of July. I am relieved and am hoping this hiccup is an exception and not the norm for this place. They have a good reputation and people who work for them do so for years.

I agree w/other posters though..the hiring managers/HR especially are not as considerate as they once were. I literally laugh out loud when I hear someone comment how easy people in healthcare have it with job opportunities. Maybe some place other than the east coast! Thank you for all the input/responses.

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