Job now vs. waiting on New Grad program

Nurses Job Hunt


Hi all! I am a new grad RN BSN hunting for her first job since May. I have been turned down by pretty much every hospital and agency in my area until now. I recently was offered a position with a very reputable pediatric home health care company. The pros for me is that I like getting to know my patients and developing highly individualized Care Plans, and this company offers a bunch of training for New Grads. The DON and I have talked about possible patients, and all of the kiddos would sharpen my trach, G-Tube, seizure precautions and education skills. They pay pretty well for a New Grad position but the benefits kind of suck, and no paid time off, but scheduling is very flexible and everyone is super nice and easy to work with so far. I was not planning to go into pediatrics at all, and as of right now I really don't see myself being a PICU/NICU nurse. I could possibly see myself doing Peds ED, or Peds Onco.

Complicating matters is that I have just been updated on my application with a nationally rated New Grad program- and I passed the first round of scrutiny and could possibly be chosen for an interview next week. The process is lengthy and the earliest I will know if I was chosen for the job is mid-September. The problem is that to be accepted into this New Grad program, I can't have ever worked as an RN prior to the program start in late October. The two departments I picked are Onco and L&D, as those are my 2 passions as of right now.

I know I might be getting ahead of myself with the New Grad program, bc I haven't even been chosen for an interview, but I would start orientation for the Home Health agency next week, automatically disqualifying myself to move forward with the New Grad program even if I was chosen. The New Grad program is also a 2 year commitment, which I'm not incredibly excited about, but I would get full benefits and time off. It is also a long commute for me, and we just bought a house, so that commute would be for 2 years at the very least.

So, I have a couple questions!

Do I take the job I've been offered, bc this New Grad program is definitely not a sure thing and new grad jobs are very limited and highly competitive, or do I hold out for a very slim chance at a nationally recognized New Grad program and training and possibly still be unemployed in October? How easy would it be to transition from Peds Home health to Onco or L&D (I am really not interested in ever being a PICU/NICU nurse)? Do DONs look down on Home Health or would it be equal to any year of experience as an RN?

WHAT SHOULD I DO? any information, advice, etc is greatly appreciated!!!

Wow. I think it's so crazy that you would be outbid the running with a month or so of home care. Maybe you can speak with someone in charge of the residency program and work something out. Wouldn't hurt to ask. I would hate

It of you gave up a good job and then didn't get picked. I'm sorry, I'm sure this is frustrating for you.

Specializes in Public Health.

My "advice" may not be very useful, as I'm still a student, but I think the peds home health position sounds like a great opportunity. I agree with the PP about the restrictions of the residency program; it would be worth it to get clarification on that issue. Then you would be able to make a more informed decision.

Best wishes to you, whatever you decide!

Ask (rhetorically) dont divuldge your name just in case the inquiry attempts to bite you in the toucas. But the more I read the more I realize even after graduation it may be a minute before I even get an interview. So take the job.

Hi guys! Thanks for your comments! The restrictions of the new grad are pretty set in stone- one of my classmates worked as an LPN in her native country for only a few months, and was turned away from the program because they considered that working as a nurse. So it's pretty certain that when I turn in my paperwork at orientation for the home health company, I am disqualified.

I am not so much worried about right now, I am more concerned about how this may influence my career path down the road, especially since I never really saw myself in pediatric nursing. I just want to make sure I am not limiting my options for the future :)

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