Should I do this or Not?

Nurses Career Support


I am 30 years old with 3 children. 2 in school and 1 at home, she is almost 3. Anyway to tell you a little about myself, I am currently a stay-at-home-mom and will have to return back to work when Kaelyn starts school. My problem is that I do not have an education and you know what that means, the jobs out there for me are jobs I do not want. I have done many things such as: waitressed, cashiered, been a receptionist, etc. These are things that I just do not want to do!!!

My husband thinks I would make a great nurse. At first I thought I will just try it out and become a LPN but I have talked to a few nurses and they say, "Do not waste your time, go all the way!!"

I did graduate from high school but my grades were horrible. But like my husband says, I never really had to apply myself because my parents did not care if I made good or bad grades so my motivation was terrible. But he has sooo much faith in me, I am just sooo afraid of failing. I will be taking the ACT in March so that is what I am focusing on right this moment.

I guess my ??? are this. What do you think of someone going to school after being out for 12 years? What do you think of someone entering nursing that had trouble with school, especially MATH? :eek:


Here's my two cents. Go for it. I am going to be starting nursing school at the age of 29. I, like you, have had all kinds of jobs from hostessing to tons of receptionist jobs. I have tossed the idea of nursing since the age of 17. I just never did it. I graduated from high school with a 2.3 average. (not too proud) After 12 years of no school, i came back with a vengeance. I now have a 3.7 and am kickin some butt in school. It's amazing how working 2 jobs to make ends meet motivates you. I don't want to work 2 jobs forever, so that's what is keeping me afloat. Good luck in your endeavor and GO FOR IT!

:confused: :confused:

I am a 31 and a single mother. I have been confused about my major for a long time now. I went to school and took up to be a social worker but I was not feeling that. I have always wanted to be a nurse since I was a little girl. I have the fear of failing ! I enjoy helping people, especially the elderly and babies/children. I am a very kind, caring ,and sensitive person. I think sometimes I care TOO MUCH. I feel like I am lost and confused about becoming a nurse. I feel old and not so smart now, especially since I have been out of school so long now.

Is it too late for me and should I go for it? Even though I am afraid of FAILING.

I am 29 and a mother of two boys. I have always wanted to do nursing and slowly began my progression about 5 years ago after my youngest son was born. I started as a caregiver in an assisted living home, then got my med tech there. Soon after I went to do my CNA. I then ventured to a small hospital where I worked 2 years and then moved to a major medical center into the burn unit 4 months ago. I had already met minimum requirements and prereqs for nursing so I decided to start doing some coreq classes this past spring and applied to the LPN program for the fall. I am hoping to get in. You are never too late to realize your dreams and now you are a different person. You aren't the 18 year old high school student anymore. You are now a mother and wife and you are mature and ready to broaden your horizens. Nursing is a very demanding field and the schoo is hard. Just give it an honest 100% and see where you go. I know that some people will tell you that LPN is a waste of time, but I beg to differ. I am a mother first and I am not quite prepared to invest 3 years into a 2 year program at this time. I eventually want to get my associates, but not now. I have to work full time and me and my husband both agree that a one year program would be more beneficial at this point in time. Make a decision for you and for your situation, not someone else's. After all you will be the one who lives with the decision-true? Good luck in your venture!


Specializes in Oncology, Emergency Department.

I am 48 years old and had never gone to college. I started school two years ago and it was the best thing I've done for myself!

I too did not do well in high school, but then again I really did not apply myself. I finished my first two years in college with a 3.8 gpa.

I'm transferring to a private university in the Fall to continue towards my BSN. I'm nervous since this will be my first exposure to the science classes since high school. I did manage to pass my Beginning Algebra class last semester with a B, but it took hours and hours of hard work.

I'm trying not to let the fear paralyze me and find it rewarding when I suceed at a challenge that scared me to death before I would even try.

You can do it and more importantly, you deserve to do it for yourself! :)

Good luck!

This is a question for some of you older students who have already started nursing school. I have heard that in order to do well on the regular nursing school tests and also on the NCLEX, a student must learn to master "Critical Thinking". If we have not had these type tests, what is the best way for some of us students to prepare to think this way before starting classes like these. I looked at the NCLEX study guide recently and it seems that they have their own ways of figuring out the best answer to each question which is different than how we used to think in school years ago.

Can you recommend any type readings / books that might help a new nursing student prepare before starting a nursing program?

Specializes in Adolescent Psych, PICU.

Of course you can do it! I will be 30 this december myself with 2 kids still at home (though my oldest will be starting kindergarden next month) my youngest is 20 months old. I am a SAHM by day and a full time student by night.

Actually now that I think of it at the community college I go to *most* of the students that have been in my classes are "older", with jobs, kids, married, etc

I was terrible in high school but when you are older and in college it is totally different. I now make A's in evrything and LOVE LOVE school!! My first semester back I took 14 credit hours and made straight A's.

I dont know what your schedual is but I prefer to take classes in the evening. You will find more people your age and in your situation in the evening classes. I also take some of my general ed classes online through the school. Also going to school in the evening I dont have to worry about daycare costs since my husband is home to take care of my kids. I also do all my studying after my kids are in bed for the night.

So if you are nervous about going back just start with 1 or 2 classes and see what you think. I bet you will end up loving it and doing great though!!

Good luck!!


My grandmother went back at age 50 and finished a masters degree in nursing--it can be done, of course her kids were all grown!!

I have a masters degree and did it in 3 phases--ADN, then BSN, then MSN. My experience taught me that if I had it to do over I would have gone for it all in one attack!! At least the BSN. Once you get your life situated so that you can go to school, you can settle into a "groove" that works for you. It usually is difficult but once you have it going keep it going. It gets more difficult as time goes by to go back and work on furthering your education.

I say go for nursing and go for the RN, at least the ADN but try for the BSN. This is one problem nursing has as a profession, too many ways to become a "nurse."

As for the comment that RN2007 made about critical thinking. The situation you described is a good example of why a broad, liberal education is beneficial for a nurse and is beneficial for a nurse to have the BSN as opposed to ADN or LPN. Taking all those other classes and being exposed to the knowledge of other fields helps build a broad knowledge base and have knowledge resources to draw from. You learn many things that may not seem useful at the time but after you are working as an RN and come across all kinds of unanticipated situations where you are using your critical thinking skills, this knowledge helps and has actually helped you to develop those critical thinking skill. The benefits are obvious versus learning technical, hands-on skills and not having a broad depth of why you are doing what you are doing.

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