confused about what kind of program is best for me, please help

Nurses Career Support


I am currently getting my pre-reqs and have applied to a community college that offers an associates degree in nursing. I have since been told that if I don't have a BSN that I will not be able to work in specialty offices, such as peds, which is what I am interested in. I have also been told that doctors do not like to hire nurses w/out a 4 yr. degree. All of this info is coming from other students, not nurses or doctors, but it has me second guessing the associates degree. I do know that a BSN is required for mgmt. positions, but other than that are there limitations to what an ADN can do? Is there a drastic difference in pay? I am a little older than the average college girl and the only school close to me that does offer a BSN is more than an hour away. I really want to stick with my original plan and go to school for just two more years; however, I don't want to regret that decision later down the road. Please help, any answers or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Volsgirl

there have been many heated discussions on this board about adn vs bsn. you can do a search to review them. but i will quote you the best advice i've heard about the discussion, straight from the bureau of labor statistics occupational outlook handbook on registered nurses:

"there are three major educational paths to registered nursing: adn, bsn and diploma. licensed graduates of any of the three program types qualify for entry-level positions as staff nurses. many adn and diploma nurses later enter bsn programs to prepare for a broader scope of nursing practice. they can often find a staff nurse position and then take advantage of tuition reimbursement programs to work towards a bsn. individuals considering nursing should carefully weigh the pros and cons of enrolling in a bsn program, because if they do so, their advancement opportunities usually are broader."

so it ultimately rests with what it is you want to do. you can start out as a staff nurse with an adn and if you enjoy that then you can stay. if you would like to move up you can take advantage and get your bsn. or if you want to shoot high from the start, you can get the bsn. also, from what figures i've seen bsns do get paid a bit more better than adns. but there are discussions on this board about that as well.

hope that helps!


Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I have lived in several different areas of the country and have found that attitudes differ from place to place. To find out what it is like in YOUR area, you will need to talk with some knowledgable people in your area. Only they can tell you about your local job market.

Ask the nurses at your doctor's office, your kids' doctors office, etc. ... any other nurses you know. Perhaps the faculty at your local nursing school.... Look at the job adds in your local paper. Talk with the Nurse Recruiters at your local hospital, etc. Gather as much information about the local market as you can. That will be ore helpful to you than the opinion of someone who lives a thousand miles away.


I think those people are wrong. You can get an Associates Degree in Nursing and work in Pediatrics. You need a higher degree for promotions and such but, what they say makes no sense at all. Doctors still higher nurses with an A.D.N. if they didn't, well there would be a huge shortage of nurses. I believe you should go for what you believe in go for the A.D.N. and be proud of it :)

Go for your BSN. You are NOT a little older at all! Where I got my BSN the average age for a student was closer to 30 than 20 meaning we even had plenty of 50 something. After working for a few years, I would totally agree with the fact that ADN and BSN can provide the same care. Heck you have topass the NCLEX and there's no getting around that. Here's my stick... I was at an open house for MSN (specifically Nurse Practitioners). I never thought I'd want to do this but now I am very much looking forward to cont. my education and scope of practice. The program had attracted many ADNs because they offer a bridge program where an ADN can get a master (1st point after a few years in nursing you may want to get a master) Well, the process of getting an NP isn't all that bad IF you have a BSN. However, this "bridge program" for these ADNs wasn't cool... it was basically 4 1/2 years (Part time). The bottom line is if you CAN get a BSN why not... IT DOES NOT HURT YOU. if you cannot then get your ADN as it is still a great way to make a living. Also... on a side note. ADN often do brag that "we are MORE prepared upon graduating than BSN" and maybe I agree... the thing is the ADN programs might be slightly shorter but once in the program it no walk in the park. Your schooling shouldn't be a contest of who.. upon walking out with cap and gown can do a better job. It is about who is going to provide compasionate yet insightful-holistic-intelligent care and keep growing/learning. Good Luck

On a weirder side note... remember... a BSN is a bachelors of SCIENCE conc nursing... meaning compaines like medical/drug/device/implant/consultant USUALLY only higher people who are college educated with some type of BS. Several persons I graduated with have elected to work for companies and only work a few days a month as a nurse (many of the sales jobs pay $$$$$$ lots). I know that the companies they were hired by... Baxters... J&J... Medtronics... Strykers... Pfizer... EliLilly these companies HR departments wouldn't even look at an ADN resume. Just something to think about.

If it much easier for you to get the ADN first, then do that. You will still be able to take the NCLEX exam, either way. You can always take the additional clases afterwards. I wouldn't want to have to deal with a long commute on a daily basis for class. You will get plenty stresses by class, don't worry about the drive......................

IMO........................ :balloons:

You can get your clinicals done during your ADN program, and for the most part, complete the BSN part on-line.


Doctors don't hire nurses unless they have a BSN? Who told you that one? The majority of doctors don't give a hoot. They want a good nurse! And I got to tell you, being a nurse in a doctor's office is one of the lowest paying Nursing Jobs there is unless you are running the office and if you are running it, you might want a BS in business rather than a BSN. Who were these 'other students' that are telling you these things. Talk to real nurses and real doctors, not other "students".

If you can get the BSN without a lot of heartache right now then go for that. If that is out then get the ADN and finish the bachelors on line while you are being paid a nurses salary and have an employer that may foot the entire bill. If you already have a BS or BA, you can get the ADN and then go straight to an MSN in about 3 years of part time study on line (for a general master's, not nurse practitioner or CRNA, etc). But whatever you do, quit listening to "other students" because they don't know much of what they are talking about.

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