Does anybody have any patient near-death experience stories?

Nurses Spirituality


Lately, I have been fascinated this topic, and am curious to see if anybody has experienced this phenomena within their patients. I am strictly looking for religious/celestial experiences. Death bed visions also interest me greatly.

There is no possible way for you to 'know' this. I feel so sorry for you regardless of whether you want it or not. All who seek will find...eventually. I am also not trying to be cynical. My heart aches for those who feel as you do.

Loaded question - (Can of worms opened)

Usually, a rush of happiness, painlessness, or content is reached due to the rush release of endorphins/hormones just prior to death.

Any visions people experience, or claim to experience, can be contributed to "dream state". Just as the brain is active and processing thoughts, images, memories (suppressed/surfaced) during normal sleep, the brain is still very active with neurons/hormones/ and other neurotransmitters firing away as the person is dying....

There is nobody that comforts you, or comes to guide you to any light. People hold onto that warm fuzzy story as a way to comfort others/themselves into accepting the ugly reality of death... Or similarly, the acceptance of religion, or the currently popular monotheism, to blur the pains of reality...

I should mention, it is well known that hallucinations are common when the body is shutting down or simply drowning in medications or illness..... These hallucinations are caused by misfiring of struggling/degenerating neurons....

However, even in healthy people, if one tries hard enough, he/she will successfully convince his/herself into believe anything that makes that person feel better about stressful/confusing situations.... Same thing goes for the troops in Iraq, or in WWII. The Bush's and Hitler (not limited to these leaders) used a similar psychological coup to convince the American Troops/Nazi Regime they were doing the right thing in killing the middle eastern people/jews. They (soldiers) convinced themselves that meaningless murder and genocide was a wonderful and great thing, and they were actually doing god's work in spreading influence/purifying the human race.

It's a bit of an extreme example, absolutely true and relevant. To me, the psychological controlling influence of religion and patriot war crimes are frighteningly similar. And we find that one typically drives the other...

But back to death.... that's it... You die, the end... body molecules returned to the environment, and the cycle continues...

Just my opinion based on scientific, psychological and sociological evidence.... I truly do not mean to offend any theists or war supporters...

I have had family pass, and patients pass. Although, I'm sure they would have felt better with a sherpa guide to the heavens, it simply did not happen...

My aunt, very religious, says she heard her brother (my father) speak to her after death, and tell her everything was ok, and he was not in pain anymore..

I was there, I didn't hear anything... Although, I would have loved some comforting hand holding me, or voice to soothe me, there was none. She believed enough to convince herself..... It helped my aunt soothe her pain. That said, I understand why and how a person can convince self of just about anything. Truth hurts, and is very scary... But as far as reality is concerned, it wasn't there.

I was unable to find a scientific explanation in your article for veridical perceptions.

There is a difference between seeing Santa Claus in a dream vs observing a real conversation between two doctors on another wing of the hospital with word-by-word recollection of what was said and who were in the nearby area to their conversation.

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