
Nurses Activism


How will sequestering affect nurses?

What can we do about it?

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.
Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

The catch with the Forbes article is that the deficit rose over 6 trillion under President Obama. We know the number now, we know what it was when President Obama came into office. Forbes and other media that want to lie to protect Obama can do so. But those that do the homework can find the unadulterated facts for themselves.

Thank you.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

On top of that, Obama barely won.. and you have cases popping up left and right where people are being caught voting four, five, six times.

This is why liberals don't want strong voter id laws (yet, want you to register your guns and go through strong background checks... yet, not for Obama or for voter id).

Thank you.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

Good day:

I didn't realize Forbes was an Obama supporter.

Let's stick to the subject, okay?

Thank you.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

The subject is basic math. What was the deficit before Obama took office? What is it now? Then take the now less the before, and you have almost over 6 trillion dollars.

The sequester is basic math. Take the tax increase less the sequester, and you don't have a cut, but a slowing of the growth of government.

Thank you.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

Good day,

Do you look at trends and data?

Were the articles and data I presented to you inadequate in some fashion other than they don't agree with you?

Do you believe that austerity should be the primary focus during a recession...which is the point of the sequester?

Some very smart people do not think it is wise and have published widely about the topic.

So, is the focus of your posts about how awful Obama is, or about the sequester and our financial health as a country?

Thank you.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

Federal Judiciary Braces for Broad Impact of Budget Sequestration | United States Courts

""Reductions of this magnitude strike at the heart of our entire system of justice and spread throughout the country. The longer the sequestration stays in place, the more severe will be its impact on the courts and those who use them," Judge Gibbons told the Judicial Conference. "These actions are unsustainable, difficult, and painful to implement. Indeed, the Judiciary cannot continue to operate at sequestration funding levels without seriously compromising the Constitutional mission of the federal courts."

USDA chief slams Congress for impact of cuts

"The focus has been on can't we avoid this when Congress knows full well that they structured this sequester in a way that provides no flexibility," Vilsack said in an interview with Gannett Washington Bureau. "I have to do what I have to do because the law is what it is today. If they want to change the law, great. If they want to provide more money, great."

Military 'quality of life' to suffer under sequestration -

The Army and the Air Force both announced this week they would cut tuition-assistance programs for new applicants. Under sequestration, and the ongoing budget uncertainty of a year-long continuing resolution, funding for commissaries, morale-boosting and family services, would also be affected, military leaders testified.

The Pentagon has said it fully expects virtually all of its 780,000-member civilian workforce to be furloughed for at least 22 days, a 20 percent pay cut through the end of the fiscal year. Since many of the military's family-assistance programs are staffed by civilians, employee furloughs will have an outsized impact on their operations.

"Our estimates below show that under our minor reduction assumption, approximately $250 million Federal and $56 million State personal income taxes would be lost, reaching $499 million and $112 million respectively under our major reduction assumption. Aggregate losses to Federal and State personal income tax could reach $834 million at the Federal level, and $175 million at the State level, for a potential loss in revenue of approximately $1 billion, under our major reduction scenario."

"The cuts could cost nearly 750,000 jobs by the end of the year, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office."

I believe that the US will survive this congressional BS...but it will have adverse affects on many, many people.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

The government cannot create prosperity.

I am a strong believer in personal responsibility. We cannot rely on the government to solve our personal problems and predicaments.

The "The Pursuit of Happyness" might be a good movie to watch that goes over how a young, single dad, took personal responsibility out of getting out of a hole.

Or for real life, look at Ben Carson (a man that currently outshines President Obama in so many areas) where his single mother took personal responsibility; and raised her children to feel the same.

As long as President Obama and the liberals ignore our huge spending problem -- you don't get to 16.x trillion in debt other than spending -- our country is in extreme danger.

The sequester is a slowing of growth of our country; and more is needed than the sequester.

The lies of the sequester continue:

* Since Sequester, 2,600 New Federal Jobs Opened

* Smoking gun memo: Obama Admin, in writing, instructs agencies to make sequester cuts as painful as possible

* Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised

* Carney Contradicts Obama, Now Claims White House Did Cancel Tours

On the White House tour cancellation -- part of President Obama's personal use of the sequester to punish / hurt people on purpose.

Thank you.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day:

Obama ‘Declares War’ on U.S. Military yet has the money to fund Can’t Cut Lesbian-Obesity Study? Fine, Let’s Cut Entitlements (studies on lesbian weight issues).

Obama lies about the impact on our food products, yet Feds offering high-paid internships despite sequester including an internship that pays $83,126 per year.

All of this out of tax payer dollars as the government does not earn its revenue, it takes its revenue in the form of taxes on those who work, and those who pay taxes.

Thank you.

Specializes in PICU, NICU, L&D, Public Health, Hospice.

Good Day,

Most of us are fine with budget cuts, just not the massive cuts that the "conservatives" believe are necessary in the social services in order to preserve the benefits and loop holes of the wealthiest and the corporations.

Most of us believe that this is a government of the people and for the people.

Obama is not in this alone and all complaints that this fiasco is somehow his alone is ridiculous and detracts from any real points you might want to make.

All of us can find anecdotal examples of success and failure. Those millions of people who were thrown out of the work force and onto the welfare and unemployment roles were the victims of poor governance, not their own personal choices. But, hey, go ahead and continue to blame the middle and lower classes for their shrinking piece of the American Dream.

It is possible to find a blog or facebook page to support just about any notion...that does not make the content valid or true. I firmly recommend a varied reading diet, one that does not place people into "information bubbles" but rather exposes them to meaningful data and discussion, even when it is not in agreement with your personal views.

Thank you.

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