National Cover-the-Uninsured Week

Nurses Activism


The plight of the uninsured will be the focus of activities March 10-16, 2003 as the ANA, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, AFL-CIO, American Medical Association, Health Insurance Association of America, American Hospital Association, AARP and other national groups recognize Cover the Uninsured Week.

According to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Americans without health insurance rose to 41.2 million in 2001, an increase of 1.4 million uninsured Americans from the previous year.

Cover the Uninsured Week kicked off March 5 with an event in Washington, DC, featuring the CEOs of the partner organizations including ANA President Barbara Blakeney. Some 450 events are planned March 10-16 in more than 40 states. More than 20 CMAs (state nurses associations)are participating as well as members of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the National Student Nurses Association. In addition, there will be extensive media coverage, ranging from news coverage and opinion pieces to public service announcements and features in story lines of major network TV shows

Activities for the week-long event include town hall meetings, teach-ins, health fairs, business and labor activities, and interfaith and religious events. 27 cities across the country will hold major campaigns, but materials are available for everyone who wants to participate. Discover upcoming events, and register for events online! For more information, go to:

NYC area's Cover the Uninsured Week Activities (.pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required)

New York City Town Hall Meeting

Bronx Town Hall Meeting

Brooklyn Town Hall Meeting

Queens Town Hall Meeting

CUNY Campus Event

NYU Campus Event

Business-Labor Breakfast

Interfaith Breakfast

Candlelight Vigil

Health Fair Information

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

The number of uninsured single women in texas

the number of uninsured children in texas

the number of uninsured working mothers in texas

Hit the highest levels in the states history under the tenure of Bushs guvernorship and havent improved since.

doo wah ditty

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