killed foreign recruitment bill comes back to life

Nurses Activism


Legislation RE-Introduced to Expand H-1C Visas


After having been strongly opposed by the ANA and killed in committee in the last Congress, The Rural and Urban Health Care Act (HR 87) has just been re-introduced in the new Congress. This bill would greatly expand the current H-1C temporary nurse visa authority, and remove many of its safeguards.

ANA opposed this bill in the last Congress and will oppose it again. While ANA recognizes and supports the fundamental right of individuals to move and migrate, ANA opposes relaxing current limitations on employment visas for nurses because it opens up the door to exploitation of foreign nurses and removes incentives to address the causes of our nursing shortages.

In addition, ANA is especially concerned about the ethical implications of this legislation given a worldwide shortage of registered nurses. Contact: Erin McKeon, ext. 7095, or [email protected]

And sneaking past the whole H-1C visa issue, to bring overseas RNs in the back door under less restricted H-1B visas instead:

INS Educates Providers About Ways to Use the H-1B Visa for Nurses


The debate over the H-1C visa may become moot, however, given the recent move by the administration to clarify the H-1B temporary work visa as it relates to nurses. The H-1B is primarily used by high-tech industries to bring specialists into the country (computer engineering, telecommunications, etc.). Only occupations that require a bachelor's degree as a common entry to the profession are eligible for the H-1B visa.

On Nov. 27, 2002, the INS issued guidance detailing how the H-1B may be used for certain types of RNs. Specifically, advanced practice registered nurses and staff nurses who have immigrated and are employed in North Dakota will now be eligible for the H-1B. In addition, certain specialties such as critical care, ER, and OR may also qualify.

ANA believes this new guidance may result in the increased use of temporary visas for foreign-educated nurses. Please inform ANA if facilities in your state are using the H-1B to bring in foreign nurses. Contact: Erin McKeon at ext. 7095, or [email protected]

The INS guidance can be found at

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

So we'll see who has more clout--nurses or hospital administrators. Any bets?

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