High levels of patient dissatisfaction with HSA's

Nurses Activism



a february 21 wall street journal editorial (subscription required) claimed that "plenty of data" indicate "high customer satisfaction" with health savings accounts (hsas), the focal point of president bush's health care plan. the journal did not provide any such data. but contrary to the journal's claim, the employee benefit research institute (ebri) has found significant levels of dissatisfaction among people covered by the high-deductible, hsa-style plans -- also known as "consumer-driven" health plans -- that form the basis of bush's health care proposal.

Specializes in Rotor EMS, Ped's ICU, CT-ICU,.

Then don't enroll.

These are optional plans, and BTW, they originated during the Clinton admin as MSA's.

Then don't enroll.

These are optional plans, and BTW, they originated during the Clinton admin as MSA's.

I am so glad that we can learn from the mistakes of others, so we dont repeat them.
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