Health Affairs Journal paying homage to nurses

Nurses Activism


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

all of the following are archives---payment required for obtaining articles. check if journal available in you hospital/school library. thought they were too important not to list

this is the original study aiken's reported on in health affairs in october 30, 2001 that is making such a splash in jama 10/25/02 one year later. see

she and her colleagues extracted most significant info on hospital death rates---- just goes to show that way you present data and catchy title important for interest.

nurses' reports on hospital care in five countries

linda h. aiken , sean p. clarke , douglas m. sloane , julie a. sochalski , reinhard busse , heather clarke , phyllis giovannetti , jennifer hunt , anne marie rafferty , judith shamian

volume 20 / number 3, 30, oct 01

the current nursing shortage, high hospital nurse job dissatisfaction, and reports of uneven quality of hospital care are not uniquely american phenomena. this paper presents reports from 43,000 nurses from more than 700 hospitals in the united states, canada, england, scotland, and germany in 1998-1999. nurses in countries with distinctly different health care systems report similar shortcomings in their work environments and the quality of hospital care. while the competence of and relation between nurses and physicians appear satisfactory, core problems in work design and workforce management threaten the provision of care. resolving these issues, which are amenable to managerial intervention, is essential to preserving patient safety and care of consistently high quality.

arching the flood: how to bridge the gap between nursing schools and hospitals

debbie ward , bobbie berkowitz

volume 21 / number 5 8/02

a gap persists between what nurses can do and what they are employed to do, between the education nurses obtain and the work design of hospitals. despite agonizing over standardization, current nursing education reflects the pluralistic nursing workforce, and nurses hold accountability for it. but nurses have not been proportionately or effectively involved in restructuring the hospital workplace. the result is that nurses are both overworked and underused. fortunately, this gap may be bridged with a number of short- and long-term policy solutions.

trends: nursing shortage redux: turning the corner on an enduring problem

julie sochalski

volume 21 / number 5

projections of a substantial nursing workforce imbalance in the coming decade have galvanized policymakers, providers, private foundations, nurses, and others to proffer aggressive and sustainable strategies to ameliorate the looming shortage. the solutions are largely ones that seek to increase supply. analysis of the 1992-2000 national sample surveys of registered nurses shows that increasing losses from the active workforce, stagnant wages, and low levels of job satisfaction pose major impediments to bolstering supply. strategies focused on working conditions and retention should occupy a central position in any nursing workforce revitalization plan.

strengthening hospital nursing

peter i. buerhaus , jack needleman , soeren mattke , maureen stewart

volume 21 / number 5

hospitals, nurses, the media, congress, and the private sector are increasingly concerned about shortages of registered nurses (rns) and the impact on safety and quality of patient care. findings from a growing number of studies provide evidence of a relationship between hospital nurse staffing and adverse outcomes experienced by medical and surgical patients. these findings have policy implications for strengthening the nursing profession, monitoring the quality of hospital care associated with nursing, and improving the relationship between hospitals and the nursing profession.

from the field: nursing workforce retention: challenging a bullying culture

stella stevens

volume 21 / number 5

discussions surrounding nursing shortages typically focus on recruitment, but retention is also a problem. emerging research suggests that intimidation in the nursing workforce is a problem that planners need to deal with as part of an overall strategy aimed at maintaining a balance between supply and demand. this paper explores issues surrounding intimidation in the nursing workforce and looks at how one major teaching hospital in australia attempted to address the problem.


full article available:

trouble in the nurse labor market? recent trends and future outlook

peter i. buerhaus , douglas o. staiger 30 oct 01

as managed care has spread across the country, registered nurses have felt he pinch in earnings and employment. are changes on the horizon?

I am really, really grateful that you post these articles, Karen!

For the last few years, one of my big things is to try to educate people about workplace bullying. Many countries have developed legislation against this kind of behavior; and it is amazing to me that here in the United States, we are just beginning to understand the effects of bullying; but even that has only been the effects of bullying towards children and the predictable school violence as a symptom of it.

I am so very glad to see that someone has written an article about this very sad and destructive syndrome, that is so prevalent in nursing. I don't believe we "eat our young," I think we just fall into the bullying organizational behavior. It's all we've seen, it's all most of us know of the workplace, from our management to our peers.

Thank you. It is exciting to know that "someone" is taking notice of bullying.

that sounds like a journal I would like to subscribe to, I wonder if I can:confused:

followed the link, it is like $95 for an indivicual, I will have to ask about it at the library

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