Do you attend your state nursing convention? If so, how do you feel afterwards?

Nurses Activism


I just got home from our 4 day state nursing convention and I'm exhausted, exilarated and extremely glad I went. I've been a delegate and attended 22 out of the last 23 conventions in my state The only one I missed was because my dtr. wasn't born prematurely so I could attend it! :D

I learn so much about my state nursing association and what is happening in the different practise areas in my state that I find it amazing that other nurses don't go! I do find that 1 person CAN make a difference (and we had several votes that were either won or lost on just 1 or 2 votes this year). I'm wondering: do you go to your state nursing convention; why or why not; and if so, do you feel you did make a difference?

I'm sure some people are happy to see me there each year, just as there are some people who wish I wasn't there again!

Specializes in med surg.

i went to the ana convention and the state convention, i felt renewed pride in my profession and learned so much that i believe everyone should go to this no matter what.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Thats the way to do it - Staff nurses in charge! Looking forward to hearing more as you get into your new position.

Specializes in CV-ICU.
originally posted by moonshadeau

as for the convention... it was awesome. i love convention times. it is true that a good convention should leave you with a positive outlook and food for thought and it re-energizes you to continue the job you love even more after each convention."

>>>yay, moonshadeau! i'm glad you got that message! i wished that you would have been able to feel that way after the ana convention, but i'm thrilled that you got it at the state convention, too.

"but keep in mind who goes to convention. if the students were not a part of the convention, the average age of the convention would be in the 40's. and truly what positions do the nurses of the convention hold? nurse managers, nurse practitioners, nurse educators and other higher level nurses are the majority of the makeup of the attendes....."

>>>hey! 40 isn't so old! lol! remember your "elderly" roomies from the ana convention? you are right in that the only ones at the convention (of a non collective bargaining state) will be the ones with a vested interest in nursing. sadly somehow, most staff nurses don't seem to understand that they also have a vested interest in their professions' future.

"jt really makes the point of this in her post



if only the nurse managers & nurse executives attend your state assoc convention, where the voting is done to address issues & direct the path of the assoc, who's issues do you think are getting addressed by that assoc & what do you think that assoc is going to focus on? but then staff rns, while choosing to keep themselves out of the arena, have the audacity to complain that their issues are invisible. my kids say..... duhhhhh.


>>>(just thought this needed repeating one more time!)

"for those that know me and my background, image the surprise when they announced installation of new officers and i stood up along with the other new officers as staff nurse director elect. let's just say i was the odd man up there. but truly i am glad."

>>>congratulations, moonshadeau!! i think you truely deserve this. it will be lots of work; but should be very enlightening. i hope you can spread the word to other young nurses about the importance of getting involved in your nursing association.

"so... we will see if my being on the state board of directors will be a good influence for the profession and i hope that change is in the air.

vote for me- moonshadeau for ana president " 2022:rotfl: :rotfl:

>>>moonshadeau, you can make a change and influence your profession! and, do we have to wait that long for you to run for ana president? i probably won't be alive (or maybe alert) to vote then!

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