Check Up: Obamacare vs. Romneycare: Any real difference?

Nurses Activism


Philadelphia Inquirer

viewed 9/1/12

by Robert I. Field, Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H.

Check Up: Obamacare vs. Romneycare: Any real difference?

...Mitt Romney says his Massachusetts health reform plan is much better than Obama's. He claims it's different in important ways.

If there are big differences, it's difficult to find them....

Let's do some quick fact checking.

Does Romneycare have everyone insured? Close, but not fully there. The plan cut the state's rate of uninsurance by almost half. As of 2010, the rate was just over 6% for the nonelderly population, the lowest of any state. That's a huge accomplishment, but there is still a ways to go before everyone has coverage.

Did Romneycare raise taxes? No, but the state didn't need to. It covered the cost of reform with larger payments that it negotiated from the federal government for its Medicaid program.

Does Romneycare have an unelected board that tells people what kinds of health care they can have? It does. The Massachusetts Connector Authority serves as the state's insurance exchange. It sets standards for the types of plans that may be sold, thereby determining the kind of access residents will have to health care services.

Is Obamacare any different? Not really.

It will extend coverage to 30 million more people, which will reduce the country's rate of uninsurance by about half to roughly 8 percent. Not too different from Romneycare.

Oh dear Rndude. Are you really an RN? Did you take English in College?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Are you sure you question RNDude's grasp of the English language? I would look twice at man-nurse2b's grammar...

And on that note, man-nurse2b, when you make references to things, you might want to know what you are talking about. That "1%" you refer to, I don't think it means what YOU think it means. Because honestly, I WISH the 1% was how many people thought Obama was doing a good job. That way, he wouldn't get re-elected.

My brothers & I could never have an intelligent debate on a political issue because when we ran out of counterpoints, we resorted to personal attacks. Consequently, my mom banned political discussions from the dinner table. I think we should treat this thread like my mom’s dinner table.

Yes I do give to charity, in fact it comes right out my paycheck, been doing so for years to United Way,hey its only $2 per month but even with my small salary...and bills piling up, everyone needs to give no matter how little. If a million people gave 2 dollar per month to United Way in one year we would have given total 24million dollars, it all adds up.

As for government, I think they have done good with our money. The bail out to banks earned interest, GM is still in business and the stimulus save us from crashing like Greece but people dont see it that way.

Some unemployment figures there reached like 18% in Greece but here they complaining about 8 % oh please, here the facts. The rate went from 4.0% to 7.7% under President Bush, 3.7% over his administration and NOONE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. Under Obama unemployment spiked at 10% yep it was 10% and over the last 4 years it went down to 8% so his plan works and is working, yet it did not go down under Bush.

The national debt went from 100billion dollar surplus to 10.6trillion dollars when Bush left office, yet theyBlaming Obama for the WHOLE 15.6 trillion its at now, hey 10.6 trllion of that debt was from Bush, AND NOONE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. Obama debt is bearly 5 trillion dollars, yes but that saved the economy.Read the facts forget the politics. This is all publically available information.

In the last 2 years Obama would have gotten lots more done if he was not constantly blocked by the other side. Yes I am all for Obama...sorry but I am the 1%! lol I wished we had the public option for healthcare passed, the competition would have forced insurance companies to slash their rates, because now they would be competing with the government for our business. Anyways, Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts forcing everyone to be required to have health coverage, but now he critisizes Obamacare,a plan based on what Romney started, that is just plain stupid,why can't he just be a man and admit Obamacare is a good plan? His politics of the whole thing is silly and childlike oh "when I take office I will repeal Obamacare" I want to see how he is going to defend himself on that in the debate. Its time for politicians to stop the childish games and start doing what is right for the people.

OK, so you give to charity. You didn't address the point I was trying to make. Care to try again?

GM would still be in business if the government hadn't bailed them out. They would have filed bankruptcy, reorganized their company and restructured their debts. Just like other companies do. The thing is, if they had done this, the autoworkers union members would have lost some of thier benefits and a lot of their power. Obama didn't save the company so much as he saved the union.

People don't see the stimulus as it is saving us from crashing like Greece's not saving us from crashing like Greece!

Bush's unemployement rate was highest right after he took office. And then it came way down. They were either declining or pretty low for most of his presidency. They increased sharply at the tail-end of 8 years. There are differing opinions on what caused the increase. While your statement is technically true, it doesn't quite paint the whole picture.

Obama promised unemployment would go down to 6% if the stimulus was passed. It was passed. Unemployment went up. Now you are giving him credit for bringing it down from 10% to 8%? BTW, still hasn't even made it that low. I'm guessing if he was one of those evil CEO types, you would have wanted him fired a long time ago.

There are a lot of things that factor in the national debt. But, since you brought it up:

The national debt increased $4 billion under Bush, over 8 years. Senator Obama sharply criticized him at the time. Called President Bush "unpatriotic".

The national debt has increased over $5 billion under Obama, in 3 1/2 years.

Insurance companies would be better if they could compete with the government??? There are a lot of things that would make healthcare better, but along the lines of what you are talking about, why don't we let them compete with each other instead?

I am very thankful there were ways to get what Obama wanted blocked. There are a lot of reasons to vote Obama out. The most important of which is to repeal Obamacare.

One thing I do agree with you on: I too can't wait to see Romney defend his record. More importantly, I can't to see Obama attempt to defend his.

Are you sure you question RNDude's grasp of the English language? I would look twice at man-nurse2b's grammar...

And on that note, man-nurse2b, when you make references to things, you might want to know what you are talking about. That "1%" you refer to, I don't think it means what YOU think it means. Because honestly, I WISH the 1% was how many people thought Obama was doing a good job. That way, he wouldn't get re-elected.


You are right! Sorry all- I meant to quote the "NOONE DID NOTHING" comment. Sorry RN- dude!

Specializes in Home Health Care.

Hi Everyone I am new here. First and foremost I am an Independent voter and a Registered Nurse. I have read the health care bill and it is scary at best. So many points to make.

1. It is socialized medicine

2. There is a "death panel" - a government agency whom decides who gets treatment and when. Anytime a goverment and can decide who should live or die is scary to me. We are going to have to practice unethical nursing....I'm not ok with that.

3. I was duked by Obama myself and would vote for the Alfac duck at this point.


1. Spent most of his life; especially his formative years in Kenya, then Indonesia. He doesn't understand America as those who grew up here.

2. His whole life he was surrounded by radical communists; including his own parents.

3. He is trying to "change" American into a Fabian Socialist country like Europe. See how well that's working.

4. Is dangerously inexperienced and is causing class warfare as never seen before

5. While the Middle East is on fire and 9/11 ceremonies were going on...(gee what a perfect time to do something radical) our credit was again downgraded to an AA- 2 downgrades under this president--never seen before. The fed announced; quitely; that he is going to begin QE4. Quantitative easing. Printing paper money. That means each dollar is worth less. Remember pictures of Germans with wheel barrels full of cash? Worth nothing.

6. Inflationary index: 8.4 was only 4.25 when he took office. This time the Fed took food and oil off of the equation. Real inflation: over 21%

This hurts the poor the most; in food and fuel prices.

As an american all I want is freedom for all and equal access to success! We are promised life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A government for the people; to protect us for enemies foreign and domestic. Not free this and that. Not debt to the Chinese to pass on to our children, Not a death sentence to those who cant speak for themselves. I've never seen such insanity.

Oh yeah, Romney will release his tax records when Obama releases his school records (btw he went to Occidental as a foreign student) (how many "poor" people do you know who attend Harvard????); and the emails from fast and furious, and all the other scandles going on that the main stream media is ignoring.

PS Im not a racist; my husband is black my children are mixed just like Obama.

Specializes in Home Health Care.

Hi Laura,

Obamacare has already "borrowed" 700 billion for Medicare....just a down payment. There needs to be a solution outside of business as usual. Medicare if left unchecked will be bankrupt by 2016.

There are more people than ever before on the system. That means no jobs, no taxes and less money going into the big government machine. We are putting out 47% of our GDP in hand outs.

We need to get people working again. Its good not only for the economy but their self esteem. I would venture to say most people are embarrassed to be on assistance.

My solution is to get people educated, help with child care and put a limit on how long they stay dependant.

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Hi Laura,

Obamacare has already "borrowed" 700 billion for Medicare....just a down payment. There needs to be a solution outside of business as usual. Medicare if left unchecked will be bankrupt by 2016.

There are more people than ever before on the system. That means no jobs, no taxes and less money going into the big government machine. We are putting out 47% of our GDP in hand outs.

We need to get people working again. Its good not only for the economy but their self esteem. I would venture to say most people are embarrassed to be on assistance.

My solution is to get people educated, help with child care and put a limit on how long they stay dependant.

Oh if only that were the case. Some people definitely are embarrassed. But when you live in a country where the culture is one of entitlement, where the thought it "What more can I get out of the government without having to do anything for it?", people get to a point where all they think is "How am I going to get mine?". Or at least that is what I saw day in and out in Quebec. I saw people on welfare PROUDLY declaring that they received financial assistance, had an under-the-table job on the side, and thought it was amazing that they were robbing the system. People misusing the healthcare system, just because "Well hey, my taxes pay for it, I might as well use it."

I definitely agree there should be a limit on time you receive financial assistance. After a certain amount of time, say, a year, you should get a physical/mental assessment to determine why you are not working. You should have to do some kind of continued education to show you are TRYING to advance yourself and have more qualifications to be able to find work. And I mean actual education, not just writing in a journal, taking a weight loss seminar or the like.

There is no reason barring disability that someone should be receiving government assistance their whole lives. People ARE able to better themselves, get better paying jobs. Plenty of people do it. I have faith in humanity, as undeserved as this faith is at times.

Specializes in Critical-care RN.

... jump in the lake please...

Yes I do give to charity, in fact it comes right out my paycheck, been doing so for years to United Way,hey its only $2 per month but even with my small salary...and bills piling up, everyone needs to give no matter how little. If a million people gave 2 dollar per month to United Way in one year we would have given total 24million dollars, it all adds up.

As for government, I think they have done good with our money. The bail out to banks earned interest, GM is still in business and the stimulus save us from crashing like Greece but people dont see it that way.

Some unemployment figures there reached like 18% in Greece but here they complaining about 8 % oh please, here the facts. The rate went from 4.0% to 7.7% under President Bush, 3.7% over his administration and NOONE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. Under Obama unemployment spiked at 10% yep it was 10% and over the last 4 years it went down to 8% so his plan works and is working, yet it did not go down under Bush.

The national debt went from 100billion dollar surplus to 10.6trillion dollars when Bush left office, yet theyBlaming Obama for the WHOLE 15.6 trillion its at now, hey 10.6 trllion of that debt was from Bush, AND NOONE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT. Obama debt is bearly 5 trillion dollars, yes but that saved the economy.Read the facts forget the politics. This is all publically available information.

In the last 2 years Obama would have gotten lots more done if he was not constantly blocked by the other side. Yes I am all for Obama...sorry but I am the 1%! lol I wished we had the public option for healthcare passed, the competition would have forced insurance companies to slash their rates, because now they would be competing with the government for our business. Anyways, Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts forcing everyone to be required to have health coverage, but now he critisizes Obamacare,a plan based on what Romney started, that is just plain stupid,why can't he just be a man and admit Obamacare is a good plan? His politics of the whole thing is silly and childlike oh "when I take office I will repeal Obamacare" I want to see how he is going to defend himself on that in the debate. Its time for politicians to stop the childish games and start doing what is right for the people.

I typically stay out of these conversations, but holding the "drop" in unemployment due to the "greatness" of a president is crap. The drop displays as such because people have run out of unemployment funds, not because they have received jobs. Additionally, according to your double negative, Bush did do something about jobs. To further add, Obama (a) pushes education and (b) brags about the 1million manufacturing jobs that he can create. Really? He wants me to spend THOUSANDS (actually I spent a hundred thousand total) in education and he wants me to go into manufacturing? I'm sorry. I have a nursing degree. I did not go to a JC and acquire a mechanics degree. I went to a university and have received a Bachelors degree. How about he force hospitals to hire nurses? Any president that can bail out hospitals and revive our careers has my vote. As far as this "bailing out and saving the car industry" seriously? Have you read the reports lately? I'm talking the REAL reports? GM is looking at bankruptcy AGAIN. Some bail out, more like a waste of my money and my husbands money. They never should have been bailed out to begin with. If we mere nurses mismanage our funds, who helps us? No one. We lose it ALL. If you are going to be quasi-socialist, might as well do something the whole way instead of half &&&.

Oh if only that were the case. Some people definitely are embarrassed. But when you live in a country where the culture is one of entitlement, where the thought it "What more can I get out of the government without having to do anything for it?", people get to a point where all they think is "How am I going to get mine?". Or at least that is what I saw day in and out in Quebec. I saw people on welfare PROUDLY declaring that they received financial assistance, had an under-the-table job on the side, and thought it was amazing that they were robbing the system. People misusing the healthcare system, just because "Well hey, my taxes pay for it, I might as well use it."

I definitely agree there should be a limit on time you receive financial assistance. After a certain amount of time, say, a year, you should get a physical/mental assessment to determine why you are not working. You should have to do some kind of continued education to show you are TRYING to advance yourself and have more qualifications to be able to find work. And I mean actual education, not just writing in a journal, taking a weight loss seminar or the like.

There is no reason barring disability that someone should be receiving government assistance their whole lives. People ARE able to better themselves, get better paying jobs. Plenty of people do it. I have faith in humanity, as undeserved as this faith is at times.

As far as welfare? Sure I am completely for it! People need help sometimes, its a way of life. My idea? Save money, create jobs. Create a sector for welfare over site in each state, this sector is over seen by a federal sector. (jobs created) The state sectors will be staffed by those currently on welfare and overseen by a few with degrees in business to manage the offices. Those that don't get in on the state sector job, they can clean highways, staff co-op day cares for their welfare counter parts. Wanna go to school while you are receiving welfare? Cool! You work three days a week and go to school two days a week. Parks need to be cleaned. We need more cross walk personnel at the elementary, junior high and high schools. Where will this money come to pay these people? In the food stamps and cash aid they are already getting. It's one giant package. There is no special training needed to clean highways, walk ways or take care of our hiking trails. Co-op day cares? Well, one mom receiving cash aid will work the day care one week, the next three weeks, shes doing filing work in a court room. And so on and so forth. Their payment package? It comes in the form of cash aid, food stamps and medicaid she is already receiving for doing nothing at home. What does this do? Speeds up our court system, makes our cities cleaner, walking to and from school is safer for gives those receiving aid SELF ESTEEM and EXPERIENCE to add to a resume when their aid runs out and they need a job instead of having them pop out another baby to keep the money coming. I am all for helping people in a time of need, I have nearly been there and because there are NO nursing jobs out there, I might soon be there again. There are jobs that we can create (it's been done before!) to help people get back on their feet and there is no extra funding needed for it, we are already bleeding cash to help people...make them work for it! Additionally, those with degrees who are out of work....well lookie here, we have created management jobs for you! That is where the additional funding will be needed, but it can be found.

Hi Everyone I am new here. First and foremost I am an Independent voter and a Registered Nurse. I have read the health care bill and it is scary at best. So many points to make.

1. It is socialized medicine

2. There is a "death panel" - a government agency whom decides who gets treatment and when. Anytime a goverment and can decide who should live or die is scary to me. We are going to have to practice unethical nursing....I'm not ok with that.

3. I was duked by Obama myself and would vote for the Alfac duck at this point.


1. Spent most of his life; especially his formative years in Kenya, then Indonesia. He doesn't understand America as those who grew up here.

2. His whole life he was surrounded by radical communists; including his own parents.

3. He is trying to "change" American into a Fabian Socialist country like Europe. See how well that's working.

4. Is dangerously inexperienced and is causing class warfare as never seen before

5. While the Middle East is on fire and 9/11 ceremonies were going on...(gee what a perfect time to do something radical) our credit was again downgraded to an AA- 2 downgrades under this president--never seen before. The fed announced; quitely; that he is going to begin QE4. Quantitative easing. Printing paper money. That means each dollar is worth less. Remember pictures of Germans with wheel barrels full of cash? Worth nothing.

6. Inflationary index: 8.4 was only 4.25 when he took office. This time the Fed took food and oil off of the equation. Real inflation: over 21%

This hurts the poor the most; in food and fuel prices.

As an american all I want is freedom for all and equal access to success! We are promised life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A government for the people; to protect us for enemies foreign and domestic. Not free this and that. Not debt to the Chinese to pass on to our children, Not a death sentence to those who cant speak for themselves. I've never seen such insanity.

Oh yeah, Romney will release his tax records when Obama releases his school records (btw he went to Occidental as a foreign student) (how many "poor" people do you know who attend Harvard????); and the emails from fast and furious, and all the other scandles going on that the main stream media is ignoring.

PS Im not a racist; my husband is black my children are mixed just like Obama.

I think I love you! You are my new best friend!

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