Need help or idea with a nurse with disabilities but all faculties

Nurses Disabilities


Im somewhat in a situation that I would like some advice on

And Im asking for the skill and knowledge of those that will possibly have some advice.....

I have a great friend that was involved in an accident which has through a multiple of incidences has taken both of her legs below the knees. This has gone over a period of time of 3 yrs. She is a RN with a speciality of ICU, also a Union Vice President, shopstewart and negotiator,and a member of a PPC(professional preformance committee. For the past 3 yrs she has gone through the trauma of loosing her leg at the accident itself and then through a bout of multiple infections lost the other leg this past December. During the time after the accident she recovered and worked as a subsitute teacher and clinical skills lab instructor. However since the last amputation she has become somewhat dispondant with her options of how to contiue her career as a Nurse. What possiblities does she have to contiue in her dream as a nurse? I was thinking possibly being a recruiter and working from home? But Im not sure exactly how that process is done.... I am up for any ideas I hate the thought of such a mind that is so jammed with knowledge and compassion to sit and go to the wayside. Im beging for any help or information on this matter , this person is as dear to me and she is the inspiration of many in her area but is too proud to allow others to see that she is slipping into a depression from all that has occured to her. So Im asking for any help and any ideas that she could do to contiue her dream.

Thank You


Hi Kim,

What about teaching? In a nursingschool.

I've got a collegue who was in a caraccident years ago and is a "quadro" (nobody needs to take offense here, she calls herself that too), she is in a special wheelchair of course with lots of electronic thingies, she can do with her mouth and 2 fingers of her left hand.

Her voice is strong, and she doesn't need O2.

The students love and admire her, as do we, but she is a great teacher anyway.

I know several nurses in wheelchairs that became UR nurses...their accomodation was to request the charts be brought to them when they didn't have to fly all around the hospital to locate them. Another nurse I know does HMO telephone triage. :)

Good luck to you and may godspeed you on your 'journey' to health and renewed career! Having satisfying work is soooo important...we don't know what we got til it's gone, I have found. :)

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