Point me in the right direction

Nurses Recovery


A while back I found a list of common household products and medications to avoid while in monitoring programs, I saved it to my pc, however since then my computer crashed and I've lost the document. I've been searching for it and can't seem to locate it here on the site, can someone help me locate it?? My RMA begins the first of June, thanks in advance.



Thanks for your reply! I've been super concerned about the ETG testing and the idea that a false positive could cause issues, given I've been sober for almost 2 years and am only in the program because I answered honestly on my application for licensure, I don't want to mess this up.

So far things are ok, I'm two days into random testing and haven't been called yet but have had some issues with my new employer and my RMA. Fun times. Oh well, just staying focused on my side of the street doing what I can today and remembering there is a plan. Only another 17 months of this!! :lol2:

I retract my above statement. I did some research on the subject, and it is the taurine that is in common energy drinks, Red Bull, etc., that can cause false positives.

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