World Registration



I'm a foreign grad from the Philippines and am looking to apply for NY RN licensure. I have been trying to complete my online application for CGFNS NY CVS but am unable to do so because of a seeming technicality, and I am hoping someone may have a solution.

Part 4 of the application is the "Education Overview," in which we are to input data regarding our primary, secondary, post-secondary non-professional, and professional schools. I am able add all of these except the secondary education information. Upon clicking the option to input such, I am directed to a webpage that seems to just hang indefinitely. The webpage says, "This category includes the second and final stage of compulsory school. Secondary school education is sometimes called," and that's it. The sentence is truncated, there's nothing else on the page, and there's nothing more I can do. I've even tried letting the page load for over 10 minutes, and there's still nothing. I cannot send in my application online because this portion of the application is incomplete. And it's been this way since July 25.

It's a bit frustrating because I've tried several times now to e-mail CGFNS, but I keep getting an automated response directing me to their website and FAQs. None of it helps. I realize I can just print an application and send it by mail, but this will be much more costly in terms of time and money, especially since I am still in the Philippines.

Has anyone had this problem? What did you do? or maybe someone has suggestions? Thank you.

I completed my application online yesterday and i didn't encounter any problem regarding the Education Overview part. Why dont you try to call them?

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