Wrote up a CNA, but I was the one who got the boot!

Nurses Relations


About two weeks ago, I had an unfamiliar CNA on my night shift. She was 'helping out' with a shortage apparently. I am new on the job as well. I had previously been instructed to ''hold accountable' the CNA's on my shift by 'writing them up' for every infraction (something I had chosen NOT to do) Not until the night I had this individual on my shift who would not provide vitals or answer call bell lights. When I witnessed her eating on the shift while charting and ignoring a light going off right next to her (her patient also) I asked if she was going to get that. I was asked in return if I was going to get that. From there, she just went off and proceeded to tell me to write her up because she was going to be just fine, that I was the one on thin ice and that they were always talking about me on the first shift. This behavior went on for the better part of an hour, despite my telling her I would have to write her up if she did not stop (I was professional about it), I tried to call the unit manager (she didn't answer), I finally called the DON (the one the CNA said would protect her). The DON didn't tell me to send her home, she didn't ask to talk to her, she said, "I'll take care of it in the morning." Well, when I go in with my documentation in the morning, the DON didn't give me the time of day. Everyone was looking at me sideways as well. I was told the CNA was out of town for a furneral and wouldn't be back all week. I was told my a fellow worker to take it to human resources, which I did. Long story short-girl was never out of town, she was at work the whole three days I tried to resolve this. She did not get in any trouble. They had her apologize. They said it was a clean slate. They said they wanted me there on the job (I offered to quit because as I told them how would I have any credibility on the job if a CNA was allowed to yell at me for an hour on the floor and still keep her job). I was ASSURED I was a desireable employee- blah, blah, blah.

Fast forward to today, when I wake up to a human resource/DON speaker call telling me I am being 'let go' for poor performance and, get this, being 'disrespectful to a nurse' and the claim of a witness on that.

Wow! REALLY??? I have this fellow RN, also new on the job, but been there a few months longer than me. When I take the shift from her, she gives me 'orders' as to what I am to do on my shift, without EVER being charge nurse. Meanwhile, she actively sabotages me to the DON and unit manager by tattle telling any imagined flaw from my shift (she's 7-3, I'm 3-11 lets also throw in there that an 11-7 shift exists) Basically, I got tired of her dumping her left over work on me so I chose not to do it. So, when I came in in the next day, she told me my assignment for the shift was to give 3 enemas!!!! Yeah, right. We didn't have 'words' but I did question her when she made the statement "I put Ms So n So on Sudafed". I asked her, "You put her on Sudafed? Or, you called the doctor and she put her on Sudafed?" This aggrevated her you see because my confused former classmate seems to not understand the scope of our nursing practice does not include up doing things like deciding on our own to say, do an Oxygen test and take away someone's O2 on our own initative while monitoring sats for 48 hours, and instructing all the other shifts to do the same, THEN taking the info back to the doctor to see if THEY would like to DC the order (instead of asking the Doctor simply if we can do it in the first place and following said order). She REPORTED me to DON for being disrespectful. The interesting thing is the claim of a witness when we were alone in the med room???

I'm venting her because I'm really frustrated about how to deal with the social aspect of being a nurse. How do you survive the sabatour who has the ear of the managers when you work solo on the evening shift so they don't know you. How do you manage CNA's when the managers don't back you up, but punish you for trying to do your job? (I forgot to mention that after I wrote her up, I discovered I was NOT parttime as my unit manager had told me, but was still PRN. For a month, I had labored under the idea I was a parttime employee and stopped job hunting). Once I turned in that write up, my hours were cut from 15 shifts (three a week) to every other weekend only! Turns out the CNA was a long term day time employee. And did she ever LIE through her teeth. Claimed I said, "I'm an RN. I DON'T answer call bell lights!!" I'll also throw in there that I am the minority in the building and the DON the protector is of another race as is her posse of CNAs.

SO it's back to the job junt. I'm just wondering if this will be the continual theme to nursing- back stabbing fellow nurses and lazy CNAs.

Please advise!!!

Pattie, I knew the whole time I had a problem with one nurse on the day shift. I knew she was telling tales because she would openly accuse me of poor performance etc (had her call me at home TWICE to complain she couldn't find something that was plainly in front of her eyes and she did find while I had her on the phone and the second time she was irrate because orders had not been sent from a doctors office on my shift the evening before hers that Saturday. So, that office drops the ball on a late Friday afternoon and it's somehow my fault when I'm out giving meds and the secretary, unit manager and DON don't follow up on it either.) Keep in mind, I'm a NEW nurse these 24 shifts were my first every. And on my first weekend, all h&$# broke loose-the DON was out of the country, the unit manager took a 3 day weekend and they blindsided me with PICC care and blood draws from a PICC line that turned out to be blocked that was dumped on the brand new RN at shift change who had never been allowed to touch a PICC line in school and they all ran out the door! When I couldn't get it done, this nurse was irrate that she had to do it on her shift the next day. She was really nasty about it. Even accused me of not giving the Vanc (had to do it in the other line). Point is I turned that other cheek with her as far as I could for as long as I could. But, until the CNA issue, I didn't know that this nurses problem with me had been turned into a public one discussed on the day shift.

I wasn't there long enough to get close enough to anyone to have lunch to listen to feedback. I got feedback from the evening LPN's who had been nurses for 20 years while still on the job. We discussed many issues, including the kid who was my sabatour. My need of training was obvious. So was my lack of proper orientation and support with the tools to do my job. I accept I need to find more training somewhere and continue to review my notes from school and improve my nursing practice. I don't fault myself for being new and having no one willing to hire and train me. Dumping me in there and saying do it because it's within your scope, then me having to pull up a youtube video to figure out how to do a procedure is not proper job training! Neither is it safe for the residents!

What I will do differently however is I need to learn to keep my opinions to myself and not be too trusting with personal opinions with fellow nurses. You don't know who you really are dealing with for quite sometime. Having said that, the place was rumor mill central and EVERYONE made comments about whomever they were upset with for however petty an issue. I didn't do that. But, I did discuss my frustration with the nurse who kept ordering me around. I knew she had the ear of management and I knew it was going to be a problem when I had finally had enough and stopped letting her dump stuff on me and dictate orders to me. HER personal orders of what I needed to accomplish on my shift-things that I would find out later SHE had been instructed to do in the am but put off and passed off to me as though they were my ASSIGNMENT, instead of saying, "Hey I couldn't get to this. I really appreciate you helping me by getting it done on your shift." I would play on that team-not the 'mean girl' team that decides MY assignment is to give 3 enemas on my night shift when I know the real reason is to punish me because I didn't pick up her slack and call in her labs that she failed to handle on her shift and dumped on me. The doctor never called, I got busy, then it was too late. She had time in the am to call them in before giving any med that needed to be adjusted. And maybe she just needs to make sure she gets it handled on her shift. This wasn't the first time. Every lab she sends I get called in the evening to fix because they want to reject it because of improper paperwork -FIVE TIMES I had to fix her labs in the evening. That's 20-30 minutes I don't have! Was that shear incompetence on her part or calculated to waste my time?

Anyhow, I did get competent on my job and I was getting better at it all the time. I was actively trying to learn the paperwork and paper charting (something we didn't do in school it was all computer check boxes at the hospital). I have already been evaluating my short comings and made plans for fixing my problems. For example, I want to improve my wound care skills-product knowledge and skill- I want to review the meds-I want to review charting. Those were my big growth areas. I started this post because I'm not so sure how one goes about fixing the external problems of sabatoug and insubordination. It almost seems like the best approach is to keep your head down and your mouth shut and don't create extra work and heart ache for yourself by trying to fix a broke system. Problem with that is that has not been how I roll! I do speak up and I do pay the price for it. Guess I will have to accept that or stop doing it.

Thanks to eveyone for listening to my LONG posts. I chose to openly post my defense and frustration here because I am NOT pursuing it at the place of employment. I don't care if they read this either, it's all true.

Anotherone, even the residents and their families would comment on how much we nurses ran around at night. I didn't get my dinner break that I was docked for anyway. If and when I ate, it was five-ten minutes of shoveling food in with my left hand while charting with the right. There was no sitting around the nurses station or hanging out socializing. It was the" skip dinner and forget to pee for eight hours" kinda shift. Thank you for your understanding of my situation. It's nice to hear that some managers know what it takes to build a team that works and how to cut the waste loose.

Specializes in hopeful ER/Surg.
Meanwhile, she actively sabotages me to the DON and unit manager by tattle telling any imagined flaw from my shift (she's 7-3, I'm 3-11 lets also throw in there that an 11-7 shift exists) Basically, I got tired of her dumping her left over work on me so I chose not to do it.

You chose not to give the needed enemas? Or chose not to do work she left undone?

I am just asking for clarification because you said you were let go for poor performance.

MedChica, thank you for your post. I appreciate you telling your story and letting me know I am not alone in what I have experienced in LTC. I came to a similar conclusion as to the priorites of my shift. I basically decided MY shift work would take priority and I would work on left over dumped stuff based on it's level of necessity. What it life threatening? Could it be done later if need be? Once I did this, I started getting out on time. All the interruptions were a pain. I lost a xanax that fell out of the bubble card because we had too many in there raking back and forth against each other until the backing on one of the bubbles ripped and a pill fell out and was lost. That was when I decided I would no longer take non life threatening emergenies interruptions while I was working with the meds. When I lost that pill, a CNA interrupted me, then a family member called to complain on the phone while I was trying to tape closed the tear in the bubble card. Then pharmacy was at the door. Later that evening, I realized I had taped shut an empty bubble and let the one with the pill in it fall on the floor somewhere and get lost. Ugh! Lesson learned!

SO it's back to the job junt. I'm just wondering if this will be the continual theme to nursing- back stabbing fellow nurses and lazy CNAs.

Please advise


Yep, that's pretty much how nursing goes. I personaly think nursing school is wasting their time teaching all those nursey things- the only 2 courses they need is sabotage and bullying and lazy CNA's

You chose not to give the needed enemas? Or chose not to do work she left undone?

I am just asking for clarification because you said you were let go for poor performance.

Poor job performance was claimed because that's an easy one with a new nurse. Of course I've made mistakes, I'm new and untrained. Either you're willing to support me while I learn or you aren't. What specific performance it was, I didn't ask. They also said I was disrespectful to a nurse- (questioning orders isn't disrespectful. Being unwilling to blindly agree with the nurse on day shift when you are required to do your own assessment and use your own nursing judgement, to have her angry when your appraisal of a situation differed from hers, isn't disrespect- it's me doing my job.) I already went into that in my original post. And we were alone. So there is no witness to our conversation as claimed. The witness part is just to cover their butts. All this came to a head because of the CNA write up.

It would be complicated to explain the situation down there but here's a short version. The cart had three regulars on it (remember, I thought I was part time, that's how many hours I had been working). We were all new graduate nurse. We started to get patients who were subacute-PICC's, serious venous ulcers, central lines, multiple co-morbidities etc. The admissions started coming more frequently and sometimes near to shift change or shortly thereafter. The instructions were for the receiving nurse to assess the patient, take report, and write a nurses note, do pain assessment, a physical assessment form, call in report to doctor and generate the MAR. Well, with four available nurses on day shift, if they came in early enough, the MAR could be done from faxed discharge summary from hospital before they arrived, and report taken from hospital as well. Then assessing them and writing the note and the pain paperwork was able to be done within an hour on arrival. Keep in mind, I'm brand new. I'm working evenings, no one is there for me to question about how to fill out paperwork. But, I did my share of assessments. What started to happen was that the day nurse was getting overtime, so they literally would dump an unknown patient on me at shift change whom I hadn't received, did know when or how they got there (so how am I to write a proper note?) and often didn't receive the report on them. This one resident was so confused he couldn't help me in anyway fill in the blanks either. So, my performance on paperwork under conditions like this would be reported as poor job performance and they would be unhappy when I came back in.I never received any write ups however. BUt my performance wasn't any worse than at least one other nurse on that cart. Remember my favorite nurse had a four month head start and administrative staff to bounce ideas off of. There is no one on my shift. WHen I couldn't finish all the left over paperwork and it started to pile up, they were more and more unhappy. But, I had to give my meds, do my treatments, answer my call bell lights, do my charting, and get off that clock. It got so bad on our cart that no one was completing their charting and everyone had overtime. Treatments weren't always getting done because time ran out. And at one point we had four files of unfinished charts pilled up on the nurses station. The night shift didn't touch em and the three new grads couldn't get them done right and run our shifts. SO, that generate a nurses meeting last week. We were told to GET oFF THE CLOCK=PERIOD. Luckily the administrative nurses finally finished off the charts, but were unhappy about it. And, the admissions slowed down so we were back to running our shifts. But, yet, I still got left over work from my favorite day shift nurse. And I apparently was the only one held accountable for the total mess on that cart. Completely inappropriate, untrue and unfair.

The enemas- I gave one because there was only one bottle in stock in the med room anyway-shocker! I had never given one before or dealt with the bowel report, maybe I didn't write it in the proper place. I believe I put it on her medicare sheet. One other resident has dementia and is ambultory and claimed he had a bowel movement. Usually that is documented by the CNA that reported to me, so hopefully she did. With the third one, I don't really remember what happen with that, but I didn't have another enema anyway so my hands were tied. I passed it on in report to 11-7 shift.

The lab that didn't get called in for her that she had to handle in the morning, that was the shift before. Once they told this kid to get off the clock at the end of her shift, instead of interpreting that to mean she needed to learn how to do her job within her shift time and go on home on time, she didnt speed up (she's been there six months now and should be able to do this quicker and she's full time), she just took it as a liberty that she could just clock out and leave it dumped on me. Then complain when she saw it in the morning again. I prioritized my patients needs on my shift over her unfinished paperwork. I did what I could with it, I always tried, but when it started to impact my ability to finish my treatments and they yelled at me, I had no choice but to put it on the back burner and do direct patient care first.

I think it's pretty obvious what was going on down there was an impossible situation to be in as anew grad, maybe as any kind of nurse. Maybe if she were able to complete the administrative paperwork on her shift, then all the shifts would stop backing up. At some point I think management will have to say you have been here long enough to have speed up by now to this kid. She tries to be a thorough nurse, but she spends too much time giving report (I finally had to tell her just give me the abnormals and situations I needed to address) there are 19 people I hear report on!

Anyhow, it was definitely an experience. And, I learned many things from it. Still not sure if it's possible to survive an active sabatour who has the ear of management. Again, thanks for the interest in the situation. As I write this, I think, "Wow that place is screwed up! And I am the lucky one to get out with when I did." Just wish the job market was better!

Kcmylorn, I have to agree that what they were teaching in my program certainly helped me pass that NCLEX on the first time, but hasn't done too much to help me or my favorite nurse (and former classmate) to be market-ready, competent nurses. I just don't get why people have to be so ugly to one another. You take it and take it, knowing that when that day comes that you assert yourself its going be an issue, and then that day finally comes, and look what you get for your trouble. You know, I wasn't even given the courtesy of hearing my side of the situation before a decision to let me go was made. When they called me on the phone and told me, I just told them they didn't need to say any more and said goodbye and hung up.

Thank God I am currently in school working on the prereqs for my BSN. I wil be starting that with a state university in the Fall of 2013. Thank God I didn't drop my Bio class when they were pressuring me about hours at work.

BTW- we were classmates, but it was a large program and I never met her while in school. She's my son's age. It's a shame that we couldn't have been more of a support to one another. It was the last thing I expected when I took the job. I was glad a classmate was there because I thought we could look out for one another. Boy was I wrong!

I am sorry about your situation, unfortunately there will be these kinds of situations wherever you will be. Although there are also places wherein you may want to enjoy staying with them. So I suggest is find a new job that will not aggravate you much.

It is the joy of working with women.... Best advice; work for a facility with multiple floor so in the case that you don't get along with people on one floor you can transfer to another.

i am an aide...worked in ltc for two years....will NEVER do it again!!! Just because of the "politics" involved. As one other person posted...that is what happens when you work in a field that is mostly women...worked in manufacturing on a team with 9 men and myself....never had any problems, if they didnt like something you said or did, they told you about it...simple

Yes, I found working with the male nurses a lot easier. We just backed each other up and kept it light. What a pleasure to have a partner on your side!

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