Is there such a thing as "too positive"?

Nurses Relations


I am an optimist. I try to see the good and positive in all situations. I work with a crowd that seems to be the opposite and today I realized it's starting to get me down. I came in this morning and was asked a question by the noc nurse, but when I tried to answer it I was interrupted with complaints. I was asked a question by my day partner, same thing happened. I hear them griping to each other about all kinds of things.

These people have no idea how good they have it here. I used to work at another facility in a very toxic environment, and in comparison this place is heaven. The other two nurses have never worked anywhere else. I feel like telling them "If this place is so bad, go elsewhere!"

I'm tired of the negativity. Today I'm distancing myself from the others. I gotta do that sometimes or I'll start getting grumpy and yell.

Oh thank goodness you're not one of "them". :chuckle

*dry tone*

You've read enough of my should know by now that I can be a sarcastic a-hole sometimes!!!!! People like that are not bubbly and happy!!!!

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