how to be invisible in nursing

Nurses Relations


Hello All! Question:

How is it possible to be the invisible nurse? How is one to support peers, help out others when the obvious is seen, be a big advocate for patients, and serve on committees while being invisible? It seems that these aforementioned acts creates high visibility for the RN opening her up to lots of critisism and catty stuff from co-workers. I did all these things at my previous job which seemed to open me up to lots of negativity!!! EVen though I was trying to help the hospital with positive change! Believe me as well, I have scoured my attitudes and tone and have found no grounds for being a target of negative cattiness.....negative cattiness can ruin one's carreer.

I have seen very mousy RNs who do not ask if they can help , do none of the things mentioned above....yet seem to float through every shift without any kind of criticism or conflict. they don't do much more than is bare bones expected...and if they make an error, no one notices or complains about it...maybe because they are so non-threatening? In fact, I have been told by older nurses (who've been in nursing for 20plus years); that the best way to avoid any kind of trouble is to keep your head down and be invisible. That just seems the oppostite of what RNs should be doing. Humble, yes...but.....head DOWN?????? I believe in standing up straight and being strong! For me anyway. One can still be strong of self and humble at the same time!

I ask because I have started a new position in a hospital with only the best of intentions, not involving myself in personal catty stuff I see going on...I just try to support my when needed....cover a shift or two for someone when they need the time off. One night an RN got into a shouting match with the tech...I just asked them to quiet down...( 0200)....geez....then in the med room, just listened to the RN blow off steam....NOT commenting on anything! The next week, find out I was somehow involved as the manager told me that this RN had said I AGREED with whatever beef she had with this tech. I DO NOT WANT THIS TO EVER HAPPEN AGAIN. I get along with everyone here and want to keep it this way. Geez, I'm on my 90 days and want to keep my job. HOW DO YOU AVOID THIS STUFF!!!! Yuck! thanks all......blessings......

HOOwdyyy Sofla! YAY! Inspiration!

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