Call light abuse. What to do???

Nurses Relations


Today I had a pt. who was A&O x3. The nurse giving me report (this was a pt. transferred to me from another unit) said they like to push their call button. They will push it to tell you that they are going to watch a show on TV. As soon as you walk out of the room, they will push it again to tell you they are watching TV. So I got the pt settled in, do my assessment, etc. I walk out of the room and they put the call light on. I walk in and ask what they need. The conversation to follow goes like this:

RN: Your call light is on, what can I help you with?

Pt: I don't need anything.

RN: Did you push it by accident?

Pt: No

I leave the room after asking if there is anything they need once again.

5 minutes later... the call light is on. As I walk into the room I see them holding the call buttin and then putting it down real quick. It was intentional that they pushed it. Repeat above story. Then repeat it again, and again. Then again with the PCT, and another RN, then another PCT. You get the story. I feel like it was a game to them, but it could end up with them getting hurt because nobody wants to answer the call light if they are abusing it.

What do you do? How do you set limits?? Is there another way I can approach this??? Any help much appreciated.

Specializes in Oncology, LTC.

Get him a sitter for a shift. I know it goes against productivity, but at least you would find out if he was just lonely or playing games.

"now is an ideal time to talk about your discharge plan!!"

In all seriousness, does your hospital have volunteers? Maybe one can sit with the patient for awhile in the afternoons.

Really!?? Everyone is required to answer call lights. Even my manager will come out of her cave and answer lights. The only one who doesn't is our nurse educator. She is lazy. She stands in the hallway telling people "room 21 light has been on for 3 minutes and 21.653 seconds." She just stands there staring at them like she is star gazing. I just want to be like...COME JOIN THE FUN!!! lazy turd. :) oops...did I say that?

Omg on my floor the other day a nurse came looking for me and found me in another patients' room assisting a patient and said:

"hey bringonthenight, room 1 is buzzing"

Me: "oh what did they want?"

Her: "oh I'm just letting you know they're buzzing" walks off like she's the best nurse ever.

I answer all call lights if I'm free or close to the room that's buzzing or walking past a buzzing room. I just always picture a patient having chest pain or almost falling out of bed and needing urgent help.

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