New Grad needs info on St. Francis Hospital in LI

U.S.A. New York


Hey everyone,

I recently got an interview for an RN position at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, Long Island. I'm super excited and a little nervous since its the first interview I've gotten since graduating this May. Can anyone please give me some info on the hospital, like the type of atmosphere, support available to new grads, salary, or what its like to interview there? I've researched the hospital like crazy but I would like to hear from anyone who has worked there or knows someone that works there.


So today I was officially offered a job at St. Francis and I accepted. Thank you to everyone who posted on the thread, your answers have been really helpful. For those who are still looking for a job, stay positive, be hopeful and don't give up!

Caroline, I e-mailed the recruiter directly with my resume and cover letter. She called me back after a week. Also, when I was there I saw some other new grads delivering their resumes in person, so if that's possible for you, you can give that a try.

I am gonna try to stay flexible, keep an open mind, and see where the road takes me.

Good Luck everybody!

Hello Obsureddream,

I have an interview at Saint Francis in a few days. How did your interview go? What questions did they ask and also what unit did you interview for. I am so excited and looking forward to it.

Hello Obsureddream,

I have an interview at Saint Francis in a few days. How did your interview go? What questions did they ask and also what unit did you interview for. I am so excited and looking forward to it.

Congrats on getting the interview!

I interviewed with the nurse recruiter first. She asked general questions about specific jobs I had and nursing school, favorite clinical and why, strengths/weaknesses, time I disagreed with an instructor/boss, how would my former employer describe me, etc....pretty standard interview questions you can find online. I interviewed with nurse manager and clinical nurse educator the following day for med-surg/telemetry unit. That interview was longer and more detailed, tell me about yourself, time you disagrees with colleague, disagreed with employer, example of a time I handled stressful clinical situation, time I had to prioritize, and other behavioral type questions. Sorry, those are all the questions I can remember right now.

Good Luck!

Thanks for the info, I will keep you posted. I am interviewing with both the recruiter and the nurse manager. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Hey Obsured,

How long did it take for them to get back to you after your interview?

Hey Goldruss,

They got back to me after 2 weeks. But I know someone who heard back after 4 days and another who heard in one week

Thanks for all your insight everyone. I also was not exactly thrilled by the staffing ratios, the type of unit or the location (I would have to take public transportation from Queens, almost a 2 hour commute). I have another interview at a hospital in Manhattan coming up so I'm hoping for better luck!

If they offer you the job, take it. There are a lot of new grads now looking for a job, some for over a year. Even the experience nurses are finding it hard to get a new job. A co-worker of mine been wanting to leave and she had sent out over 30 resumes and still waiting. Yes, I have heard SFH is not the best place, but choices are very limited now and this may be your only chance. good luck!

So I got the job!!! ThanksObsure for all your help. PM me what unit you will be working on. I am glad I found something ,now I can breath easier and study for my boards.

Goodluck to everyone!!

So today I was officially offered a job at St. Francis and I accepted. Thank you to everyone who posted on the thread, your answers have been really helpful. For those who are still looking for a job, stay positive, be hopeful and don't give up!

Caroline, I e-mailed the recruiter directly with my resume and cover letter. She called me back after a week. Also, when I was there I saw some other new grads delivering their resumes in person, so if that's possible for you, you can give that a try.

I am gonna try to stay flexible, keep an open mind, and see where the road takes me.

Good Luck everybody!

Hello ObscuredDream05! I just wanted to know how you're doing on your new job, and I also want to ask you a few questions. :)

What unit were you assigned to? What's the nurse-patient ratio? How long was your orientation? And lastly, How's the work environment there at St. Francis Hospital?

Thanks!!! :)

Hello Golruss17!!! I just realized that you are also working now at St. Francis Hospital just like ObscuredDreams05. Congratulations!!! Could you please answer the same questions I asked her? Thanks! :)

- What unit were you assigned to?

- What's the nurse-patient ratio? How long was your orientation?

- And lastly, How's the work environment there at St. Francis Hospital?"

Hey Nutty12,

To answer your questions:

1. I was assigned to a med-surg/telemetry unit (all the med-surg units are telemetry, and some of them have sub-specialties like stroke, CHF, oncology, ortho, etc.)

2. The nurse-patient ratio is 1:7, sometimes it can be 1:8 but I have seen nurses have as much as 9 patients!! I wish orientation was a bit longer. We had 3 weeks of classroom orientation, which was great and 3-4 weeks of floor orientation with a preceptor, which I feel is relatively short. I wish our unit orientation was longer and i know of some hospitals which offer 8-12 weeks of floor orientation.

3. I've only been working there for about 2 months and I find the work environment stressful most of the time. That could be because Im still new and I still have alot to learn. On a positive note, the other nurses are very supportive and are always willing to help. Like most jobs you will have bad nights and occasionally, some good nights.

I hope this helps.

Good luck!

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