What is your study plan when using multiple review materials

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi im currently using Hurst online, Kaplan qts and NCSBN. I was just wondering how do you utilize these materials? do you try to finish each material first or do it all the same day by a certain schedule each day?


Cool name! I feel the same. I have saunders review book/cd & vipra medical website. My problem is knowing the material and not memorizing. My weakness has been pharm, the more questions I get the more confused I become. I go back reviewing but feel like I'm putting way to much into it. I have not reschedule my exam as of yet. I have already taken it 2 months ago and failed. The anxiety of failing twice is get to me. I have yet to hear from anyone about vipra medical which is very similar to the nclex but no one has given bad or good remarks on it. Do you know anything about this sight?

I believe its better to understand the content rather than memorizing it (except for lab values, convertions and formulas IMPT to memorize). When I failed my last exam I tried memorizing the content and questions on my reviewer but after taking the exam I realized that the real NCLEX will not ask the exact questions and content. I know its hard especially for pharm but I suggest to use some mnemonics or try to study the suffix for clues. Im not familiar with vipra but I use Hurst now for review content it helped me understand the content more after I read saunders.

Thanks that helps. I did try memorizing my first time no way did it work. I hope this next time through isn't a bust. I only have read their testimonies and a couple of others. It really looks exactly like the nclex and the questions ring bells. I read the rationales then when I see the question I ask my self why the others are wrong and the right answer is right. I know meds pertain to other conditions so I name those as well. Its a bit time consuming but it helps a little. I have studied for two months and still make 75% to 85% on either website. I am very frustrated.

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