NCLEX in 14 days

Nursing Students NCLEX


I graduated spring of 2014 from a not so great school. no, really.. staff turnover rate was terrible, ex: my class had 10 different teachers throughout our 11 week Pharm class. Yeah, it was that bad. Imagine going through nursing school with a different teacher every week. We stuck together, learned about Quizlet, stayed after school until they were locking the doors, learned how to do ATI, and prayed. Our school was sinking and on the verge of loosing its accreditations and they changed the rules so frequently, and popped a new one on my class a few weeks from pinning. You must score a 99% or higher on ATI of passing NCLEX.

Near impossible.

You had 3 attempts, and are out of the program.

attempt #1= 93% #2 95 % #3 99%


May 2014-- pinned, and turned all paperwork in to register for nclex.

side note- May- engaged, started wedding planning for Sept, 2014. NCLEX scheduled July 7th.

June- started working as RN- finished orientation,

June- excessive vomiting, then.. 2 little lines. POSITIVE pregnancy test.

Moved wedding up to June 28th, so I wouldnt be big and pregnant at my wedding.

end of june-begining of july-in hospital for 3 days(complications with preg), taken off work, put on bedrest.

July 7th- NCLEX day, hadnt studied, hadnt slept, or eaten. threw up 3 times in the 45 minutes I was testing, including in the floor next to the trashcan, IN the testing room.


I got a little depressed. failed NCLEX, was taken off work for remainder of pregnancy, so basically lost my job, and was SO SICK.

Baby was due Feb- figured I would just study after baby was here, test then go back to work a few months later.

being a stay at home mom for my 2 was just too rewarding, and made the idea of going back to work way too difficult, therefore I never pulled those NCLEX books out once.

Now fast forward.. baby is almost 18 months old, new baby on the way, and NCLEX scheduled for 14 days from now.

This time, I am feeling pretty prepared. I finished all of the HURST videos, I have done most of the UWORLD questions, and I plan on reviewing all of the questions and rationals over the next few days.

I am terrible on labs, and Pharm, but I am getting there. I will pass it this time. my 2nd attempt.

Any suggestions? Tips?

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