2015 Pearson vue trick!

Nursing Students NCLEX


As I was preparing for my nclex exam and even after my exam I would constantly be on this website for support and tips for passing the nclex. I told myself that I would give back and do the same for others. I passed my test with 150 questions!! 😓 I honestly thought I failed when I got out of the testing room. I had no idea what had happened and I had a lot of select all that apply. I prepared for this exam with Kaplan which I found to be AMAZING! Yes it is expensive but it is defiantly worth your money us they garentee that you pass on the first try. You can do this!! Stay positive I know that it is difficult because it was for me but have faith. You have come this far. If you don't pass, don't give up! This is just a hurdle that you have to go over! You have gone through school for so many years, what's another test. As far as the Pearson trick, it worked for me!! If you put in your credit card info and change the expiration date and you push submit it will take you to a page that says that you have recently scheduled an exam and you can't schedule another one at this time. This is good news!! Make sure that you do it 24 hrs after your test Time. I then purchased the quick results that said I passed! Thanks be to GOD! If it takes you to a confirmation of payment you didn't pass :( keep your head up. I hope this helps someone. I know that it helped me a lot and best of luck to the future students whom take the nclex.

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