2011 Macomb Community College HESI and GPA scores for nursing program

U.S.A. Michigan


I'm trying to get into the Macomb Community College Nursing program. I just took the HESI test and scored a 86.5%. I Also have a 4.0 GPA. What are my chances into getting into the program for 2011, since my HESI is still kind of low?

If anyone can relate please comment. Post scores so we can compare! Thanks for your thoughts:)

HI, is anyone willing to share, what they know now that they wished they had known prior to starting the nursing program, e.g. cost saving tips(books/supplies) study groups, study tips, ADN-BSN best options,Youtube study sites, how group projects are graded, clinical do's and don'ts, most cost efficient insurance, best healthcare employment sites for students or any other strategies you willing to share. Is anyone willing to 'pay it forward? Thank you for your time and consideration.

When do you start?

purchase med surg, taylor, davis, key (math), nursing diagnosis books and rent all others (peds, psych, ob). Buy an NCLEX book and study from it as well, Saunders is great.

All clinical projects are pass/fail and simple, don't over think them. any projects, group or otherwise, again don't over think them, and they are usually 5-10pts. Organize your things well (tabs, dividers etc), study the notes and listen to lectures, record all of them!!!

Study groups are up to you, I didn't until med surg 2 and that was only with one other person on the morning of the exam to clarify any issues we each had. I like to study alone.

If you get a 78% in a class/test YOU PASSED!! Don't worry if you don't get an A on everything....I have only had 1 C+ and that was in Psych 1445, a very difficult class, most of my grades have been B or A.

All the teachers are very approachable so if you have an issue don't hesitate to talk to them!!

If you have an issue in clinical, something you don't know or unsure of, let the teacher know. Remember you are not a nurse yet and are not expected to know/understand everything, but research the issue if its medical (what a med does, disease process) then go to the teacher and she will help you understand it better. Meds are important to know per clinical.

Use Quizlet, many students present and past have typed all the notes on it and you can test yourself. Just search the class number/name (2345 or peds, psych meds etc).

Most nurses are great to learn from, there are a few that "don't have time" for students. Don't take it personally, it will ruin you day!!!

If you can think of anything else that you need answered just let me know!!!!

I only have 8 wks to go!!!

August and thanks for your time and advice.

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