Afraid of Nursing as a Male?

Nurses Men


I have read a lot of topics about people hating their job because of the female nurses being...Bitc*** toward them

Whether they are told that they aren't doing good enough work, scrutinized for their gender and other things... It seems I have read a lot of them.

I am a 16 year old male looking into Emergency Room Nursing and the thought of going to college and having a bad experience there, or getting a job after going through college and hating it because of my co-workers. I am a person that tells it like it is and if a female nurse would say something to me, well i would let her know how it is....I am afraid I would lose my job or hate my job from these things.

Do you come across a lot of nurses like this?

Have you ever had a bad experience based on gender?

Is it enough to make you dislike your job?

Specializes in Cardiac.
Thanks for the feedback guys, It seems to me like most people in Nursing really enjoy it. I am currently applying to volunteer in the Emergency Room at my local hospital to see if i truly like it or not.

I recommend becoming a CNA, you'll find out quickly if you like nursing and if you decide to stick with it, it's a great job to have while you're in college.

to the op, i think you'll find that women hate on women much harder than they hate on men.

the only guys that really have a problem with nursing are those that don't like having women (bosses) tell them what to do.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).
so your telling me to let myself be bossed around, told what to do, and let people walk all over me....yah right

Of course i am not gonna mouth off all the time, but if somebody constantly gives me crap than i will tell them how it is... now please answer the questions

I haven't encountered any problems due to being male. Most of the women, and men, I work with are a pleasure to know. The only people who've really given me a hard time have been patients and their families, and that has been rare. My favorite part of the job is the time I spend with patients.

I do have to follow orders. I don't have to let people walk over me, but I do have to be a lot more diplomatic than the quoted post.

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