

OR Circulator/Scrub

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About Periop-Doug

Periop-Doug specializes in OR Circulator/Scrub.

I am a 46 yo RN with 10+ years of Operating Room experience, and 11 yrs prior service in USAF as an E-5 electronics technician. I am now looking to return to the USAF as an RN in the OR!

Latest Activity

  1. Any USAF Surgical Nurses Out There?

    ​are there any ad/reserve usaf surgical nurses out there who can give me a few details regarding the daily work life of an operating room nurse? i.e. hours worked per week, typical on-call schedules, deployments, work atmosphere/professionalism of o...
  2. What is life like as an AF Reserve nurse?

    Hey 79Tango, thanks for the info! Although it looks like my timing may be worse than I thought. I am 47 and will graduate with my BSN in Dec, after I turn 48. I thought the age requirements were the same as active duty (limit of 42 after subtract...
  3. I am an operating room nurse with 10+ yrs of experience, and 11 yrs prior enlisted active duty. I am considering trying to become an AF Reserve nurse but was wondering what reserve life might be like such as: - Weekend Duty - Summer Training - Is...
  4. Looking to visit an AF Operating Room

    I would like to visit an AF operating room to get a feel for the job and how it may differ from civilian nursing. Even if it is just for an hour or so to get a quick tour and ask a few questions. Is there anyone out there who has some information o...
  5. Looking for prior service with experiences in becoming an AF RN

    Awesome news carolina! I also didn't see anything in the article on medical officers being down sized but I am somewhat sensitive right now since I am moving forward with this process. Thanks again for your replies and insights as they invaluable t...
  6. Looking for prior service with experiences in becoming an AF RN

    I just read an article that the Air Force is reducing enlisted and officers by over 5700. Has anyone heard if this will affect nursing?
  7. Looking for prior service with experiences in becoming an AF RN

    Thank you carolinapooh for your input. And yes I understand that I cannot take anything stated in this blog as the truth. However, it is certainly encouraging to read responses from others who have similar experiences or know of others who have had...
  8. Looking for prior service with experiences in becoming an AF RN

    Thanks again for the response midinphx! I have thought of another question. Has anyone ever been told you cannot join the USAF as an RN due to a positive TB test? Let me hear if anyone knows if this is an issue. thanks!
  9. Looking for prior service with experiences in becoming an AF RN

    Awesome news midinphx! This is very encouraging to here and I guess that is what I am looking for more than anything is a little encouragement that people similar to me are getting positive results. I am currently trying to get all of my medical reco...
  10. I am a 46 yo prior service (11 yrs enlisted) veteran who, after leaving the USAF as an E-5 in 1995, went to nursing school and has spent the past 10+ years working as an RN in surgery. Now that my kids are grown and on their own I am seriously lookin...