Allergy/ENT, Occ Health, LTC/Skilled

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About LPNtoRNin2016OH

LPNtoRNin2016OH has 5 years experience as a LPN and specializes in Allergy/ENT, Occ Health, LTC/Skilled.

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  1. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Schools misrepresenting clinical site locations

    Thank you!! I am in an associates program but its designed to be 1+1. We (as in LPN-RN students) do all of our bachelor pre-reqs while completing the associates program. Once we graduate with our associates we then have 9 months left online for our B...
  2. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Schools misrepresenting clinical site locations

    I think your misunderstanding my post. I am in an accelerated program, its three semesters. this is my ONE and only med-surg clinical/hospital experience. I did a peds rotation/psych rotation, this is our big all encompassing med-sure/acute care rota...
  3. Wondering if this a common occurrence. I go to a fully accredited, nonprofit, respected, and traditional nursing program but I go for LPN-RN completion which is a class of 30, they also have a traditional program that runs along the same lines that i...
  4. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Going back to school at 30

    I went to LPN school at 21 but no other college after thattill I started my pre-reqs for my LPN-RN bridge program at 26. I will graduatethis April shortly before turning 30 so I think I can give you a good view ofwhat it may be like. I do have three ...
  5. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Flu shot/husband-looking for advice, not to debate

    [COLOR=#000000]Oh man, this sounds exactly like the situation I had with myhusband before our third was born. I had not pushed it with him for the firsttwo but after the previous season when our older 2, who were vaccinated, butstill got the flu at t...
  6. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Dr. complaint

    [COLOR=#000000]From all of the details you have provided, it would have beena questionable nursing judgement call if you did not send her. I wouldseriously blow this ER doctor's complaint” off, it's not like you can bepunished if you accurately doc...
  7. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Lowest stress (still great pay) nursing specialties?

    Yes!!! I was about to say the same thing. I did it for 3 years as an LPN, had to resign because I am finishing up RN, but I worked M-F, 8-5:30 pm, no weekends or holidays, and made $20/hr which is bank around here for an LPN in a clinic. It is a undi...
  8. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    What do you consider a heavy patient assignment?

    I appreciate all of the advice! I plan to go over some time saving strategies with a senior nurse to see where I can improve, even if there was no room for improvement in that particular shift, I can at least explore strategies to prevent myself from...
  9. Last year I returned to LTC PRN after 5 years of working in clinics,, we are a billed as a low acuity LTC w/ 8 beds dedicated to rehab patients. When I first started working, the rehab patients were stable, mainly hip fractures needing PT/OT, and str...
  10. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Worried about testing positive (drug test)

    It would be highly unlikely if a traceable amount would even appear in your urine due to accidental exposure to your hands because it's really not even being absorbed by your body and being stored at all. I wouldn't worry.
  11. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Argumentative essay

    I recently did a paper on how prescribed opiates over the last 20 years and how it's impacted the current heroin epidemic. It was actually interesting to read about and there are many peer to peer reviewed scholarly articles on the subject.
  12. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    racist patients

    I feel for you OP because as someone who is white, when I see this behavior by patients towards non-white co-workers, it pisses me off to no end so I cant fathom how it feels when its actually directed at you. My co student and I were in a room with ...
  13. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Kicked off unit when Joint Commission arrives

    I just finished my pediatric clinical rotation at what is considered to be one of the best Children's hospital in the nation. It was BORING as all get out. Understandably, many parents do not want students. We were on a transplant floor so most of th...
  14. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    How does your school use Kaplan?

    Well im in a bridge program so it may be different but we use the focused tests for whatever unit we are covering that week. Then based on our scored we are required to do X amount of remediation on that topic. The integrated testing is proctored and...
  15. LPNtoRNin2016OH

    Best Dosage Calc Text?

    Khan academy is good! I prefer the route of setting the info up into conversion factors because you can then end up crossing off units. Its pretty fool proof because if you end up with a unit that's not in the answer you know you went wrong somewhere...