Who enjoys med/surg??

Specialties Med-Surg


I came here looking for positives on med/surg & mostly found new grads drowning...I am looking into a med/surg floor on days at my local hospital. I did all my clinicals there so I know the floor & the computer system well. I am not a an incredibly new grad anymore. I graduated with my bsn in 2011 & was a lpn for 5 years prior. I am a smart, competent nurse, but I feel as if I have been wasting my skills and time at a dead end clinic job. I am bored out of my mind and spend most of my days browsing the internet or putting name labels on charge tickets. Not what I had in mind, but thought it'd be worth it for the hours. I am now finding myself with a new baby (5 months now) and I don't have a sitter. She bounces from aunt to Grandma. The hospital has an on-site daycare, I would work 3/12's & they would pay my $30k in loan debt. What is holding me back is the fear. I came on here to search for uplifting and positive experiences but unfortunately the theme with med/surg is the same....anyone have any positives or advice they can send my way?

I have worked med surg for over a year now and absolutely love it. Sure the patient load can get crazy at times but I have found many patients to be pleasant and enjoyable. Every unit will have different ways of doing things a different "vibe". My unit is very team oriented. We help each other, we laugh, and just do our job taking care of these sick people. I don't want to stay there forever, but if I could do it in a childrens hospital, I would jump at the opportunity. Its a challenge, but it builds your skills and your confidence. I wrote a post about my first year, which is positive, called my first year of nursing, posted in the med surg area. Read that haha for a positive outlook. best of luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Dialysis, Hospice.

I have been an RN for 22 years, and I really enjoy Med/Surg. It feels so good when a patient gives you a genuine "thank you" for something that you did to ease their suffering. I try to look at each day as a challenge, as in, no matter how unlovable a patient may seem, SOMEONE somewhere loves them, and God loves them too. Every human being is worth being kind to, no matter what they are going through and what it does to their disposition.

Specializes in LTC, medsurg.

I've always loved it but when I started I was healthy, now I have a bad back and bad knees. It can be very stressful and also very rewarding. But I'm ready to be out of it and in to something different.

Specializes in LTC, Acute care.

I've been in med-surg nurse for 2 years now, I would not go as far as using the word 'love' for it but it's ok. Now that I'm no longer a total 'newbie' my days go well and I'm not pulling my hair (I do occasionally when we're severely short-staffed, urgghh!) and there's ton to learn while keeping it interesting at the same time.

I think you have a sweet deal with loan repayment and on-site childcare, ask them if you can shadow for a full shift before orientation officially begins. Hopefully it won't be a crappy unit full of cliquey people. All the best...

Totally agree with you tokmom

I like Med/Surg and have rewarding days, it's so interesting. But poor management, politics, lack of leadership, understaffing, over count patients, and lack of staff support have me thinking of other careers.

Team work is so important - support your coworkers!

Specializes in Medical, Surgical, Critical-Care.

I have worked Surgical (we also take Medical pts) for 3 years and I love it. There can be times of chaos but you learn a routine. Great organization is the key. As of now, I don't want to work in any other department.

I like it.. I never thought I would, I did everything to not end up in the dreaded med surg that all nursing students hate. But alas, I ended up in a wild admit/discharge unit for ms/tele and one day I realized - I'm a med surg nurse and I like it! It can be crazy, you can get overwhelmed, but I like to care for a variety of patient diagnoses and I like my patients to walk and talk (which of course not all can do) so it's a great fit for me.

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