Moving to DC/Maryland area?

U.S.A. Maryland


I'm considering a move from Texas to the greater DC area. Though I intend to make a couple more visits before making up my mind, I would appreciate any info you guys could give me regarding some specifics. If you don't want to post publicly, feel free to email me privately at [email protected].


1)What is the typical RN wage range in the greater DC area (including surrounding VA/MD suburbs)?

2) Best areas to live? Is it possible to rent a decent house in a decent neighborhood for less than $1500?

3) Best hospitals to work at -- which to avoid?

4) Which state's license is best to have: DC, VA, or MD? (or all three?)

I appreciate any and all comments, and welcome any email comments if you don't want to post publicly: [email protected]

I live in Hampden. It's safe and relatively affordable, although I could probably sell my house for almost twice as much now as when I bought it in 2002. Housing costs are really going sky-high nowadays, unfortunately. I suggest buying before it gets any worse.

With any neighborhood you look at, be sure to walk around there at night and during the day and see how you feel. Talk to the neighbors. I've lived here all my life, so if you have questions on a particular area, PM me. I grew up in the city and then moved to the county when I was 11. Moved back to the city 4 years ago.

So.. you want to be a Baltimoron :rotfl: !!!! Sorry, I had to!

I'm still just a student, but I do live between DC & Baltimore. As far as the commutes, I think it really depends from which direction you are traveling into the city, B-more or DC.

At orientation this semester, we were told that the pay scale in MD was among the very highest for nurses. ....Of course the cost of living is crazy, I have 3 roommates!!! I can't afford to live alone, even when I was working full-time.

Here's the Baltimore newspaper's site, maybe you can get an idea of housing & pay from it.

For DC:

Here's the DC metro transit guide if it helps. Doesn't go very far outside the city.

This one helps figure out how long it takes to get from one place to the next.

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