Is it just me?

Nursing Students Male Students


Nursing classes seem to be run much differently than any other classes I've ever experienced. I realize it is a mainly female field and most students are rather young but the touchy feely way classes are run is really getting on my nerves. When ever we test there are always hugs for the people who do well or badly, tears that are consoled by the instructors when ever someone messes up a check off and constant "buck up you'll get through it" speeches throughout lecture. We even spent an entire 3 hour lecture on ways to stay emotionally healthy through the disappointment of not getting the grades your used to.

It seems to me that they are setting people up with unrealistic expectations of nursing school and nursing in general. After all the hugs and warm/fuzzy "you can do it" speeches we lost half my class in the first semester. Most of these ladies never saw it coming or thought the instructors would make sure they "could make it".

Maybe it is just me. But coming from a military background where nobody pats you on the back every time you do something right it just drives me nuts to see people preparing for what is a high stress field being put into as low stress a position as possible. You can see it at clinical where students are afraid to do anything without another student holding their hand. And then when we get an instructor who doesn't put up with that stuff there are tears all around.

Nursing school instructors act strict and hard, and everyone cries, "Nursing Eats Its Young". And it because they are female and dysfunctional.

They act soft, warm and empathetic and every cries "Nursing is too touchy feelie, and soft and sweet. And it must be because they are female and dysfunctional.

Anyone see a problem with these attitudes?

Just typical stereotypical half-truths bandied about as reality.
Specializes in Pain Management.

I graduated with my BS in biology (pre-med emphasis) from Missouri State University [show-me-state], so when I travelled to Seattle WA to go to acupuncture school, I was in for a culture shock because Bastyr University is the ultimate hippie school in the US.

It's not that people in my undergrad were cut-throat - we actually helped each other out, the teachers were strict but very helpful. That's what I was used to. One of my advisors used to always say "...if you can't handle the classes, maybe you should try getting a degree in business." That might seem rude to some, but people back home aren't afraid to give you their honest opinion. More often then not, it is somewhat accurate and will save you alot of time and heartache.

But then I went to Bastyr. Wow. It's just that...well...I might be stressed but I don't need a hug. They way I see it, a guy doesn't need a hug unless he is choking.

I couldn't walk down the hall without people hugging each other. During finals, it was even worse. Students crying and being drove me nuts. If you can't even handle taking a test, how can you expect to handle a patient?

But the important thing to remember is that if it works for them, great. We all have different motivations and needs, and while I longing look back to the time before Oprah ruined everything, I understand now that the outcome is the most important thing. If a doctor or nurse cries after they had a stressful situation, and is then able to get back to work and perform their job, then their crying isn't a liability. It's just annoying.

Specializes in Psych.

I am a guy amongst about 58 women We have lost some girls already... just keep up the good work man!!!

Hi Antihippie,

I'm from the Metro Detroit area and I'm curious what school you're attending. Would you please send me a PM letting me know what school you're talking about? Thanks!

Specializes in He who hesitates is probably right....

No touchy-feely at our school. It is a survival exercise. Kill or be killed. Us vs. Them. We only have to hang on for 3 more months...

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