Am I too old

Nurses LPN/LVN


I am a 40 yr old housewife living in Tampa Bay who has recently relocated from the UK.I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse ,am I too old ,would all the other students in my class just graduated from high school ?I would love to hear from any sucessful over forties who have got there !

I am 45 yrs old and was just accepted into an LPN program for Sept. I havent been in school in 27 years and I am a bit nervous but very excited.

I think you should go for it. You gonna get older each year anyway, might as well chase the dream! Good Luck to you!! :)

Hi there!

Hi there, I to am a 40- something and went to school you can do it no matter what age you are. took my boards for lpn on june 30, 2005 now just waiting ,so i have faith in all the 40-somethings out there. good luck

You are at a perfect age. I was told recently, that new "older" Nurses make good nurses. Why? Because they have more empathy, they have seen alot, they obviously have made an important decision to change careers and work really hard in college. As a new "older" nursing student myself who will start this fall. All I can say is "you go girl " :balloons: :cheers: :yeahthat:

I certainly HOPE you are not too old. I'm much older than you are, 58, and returning to the profession after many years! :chuckle

I went to nursing school at age 33 and the age differential in our class went all the way from high school graduate to age 56. Nursing school is challenging but I found it easy because it was something I really wanted to do. If your interest and desire are there, it will be easy for you too, I'm sure!

Welcome to a rewarding career!

I am a 40 yr old housewife living in Tampa Bay who has recently relocated from the UK.I have always dreamed of becoming a nurse ,am I too old ,would all the other students in my class just graduated from high school ?I would love to hear from any sucessful over forties who have got there !

Don't worry! I was nervous too after returning to school after 15 years! What I found was that I was learning things that were interesting to me and that I wanted to learn, and that made all the difference in the world! If you are judging what you think of school against your high school experience, don't. Because now you are doing something you really want to do! I speak from experience.... go for it!

I am 45 yrs old and was just accepted into an LPN program for Sept. I havent been in school in 27 years and I am a bit nervous but very excited.

I think you should go for it. You gonna get older each year anyway, might as well chase the dream! Good Luck to you!! :)

I was 41 when I went back to school. One advantage is because of your age, people will think you know what you are doing. Age does have it's I figure I has at least 20+ years to work and I have wanted to do this for years.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I am 35 years old, and went to school for a BS in Business Management. I am tired of the rat race, and want to do something different, and I have ALWAYS wanted to be a nurse. I thought a little about Respiratory Care for awhile, as I would complete that in only two years, but I would like the variety that RNs get. I will be 39 when I complete... I think it's great that you are considering it. Best of Luck :balloons:

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